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如何透過適切的教學策略來提升學生的學習成就一直是相當重要的教育議題。本研究以維高斯基(Lev Vygotsky)提出的近側發展區理論為基礎,探究心智圖法對生活科技學習成就的影響。研究設計採不等組前後測之準實驗,以課桌模型設計與製作為教學主題,進行12週的教學實驗。研究對象是桃園市某國中一年級兩個班級共58人(男生29人、女生29人),其中一班為實驗組(男生14人、女生15人)、另一班為控制組(男生15人、女生14人)。實驗組的教學策略是小組討論法搭配心智圖法,控制組僅使用小組討論法,兩組皆為相同的教師與教材。在量化程序方面,實施學習成就測驗後測、作品評量與團隊合作態度量表前後測,並採用描述性統計、共變數分析以及t考驗等統計分析方法;在質性分析方面,從學生的作品與小組訪談內容,探究兩組學習成就的差異及其原因。研究結果發現:(1)小組討論法搭配心智圖法之教學策略未能顯著提升生活科技學習成就測驗分數;(2)小組討論法搭配心智圖法之教學策略未能顯著增進實作技能表現;(3)小組討論法搭配心智圖法之教學策略有助於實驗組學生的團隊合作態度而且受到多數學生的肯定。
The utilization of appropriate teaching strategies capable of enhancing students' learning achievement has long been an important issue in the field of education. This study employed Lev Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development as a base from which to explore the influence of mind mapping on learning achievement in living technology. A quasi-experimental approach with pretest-posttest non-equivalent group design was adopted. The topic in this 12 week teaching experiment was the design and manufacturing of models of classroom tables. The subjects in this study were two classes of first-year junior high school students (29 male, 29 female) from Taoyuan City, Taiwan. One class was an experimental group (14 males, 15 females) in which the teaching strategy incorporated mind mapping with group discussion and the other class was a control group (15 males, 14 females) using only group discussion. The same instructor and teaching materials were used in both classes. Quantitative analysis included post-test of the learning achievement, performance assessment of the final models presented by the students, and pretest-posttest of the teamwork inventory. Statistical approaches were performed by using descriptive statistics, ANCOVA, and t-tests. Qualitative analysis involved using the students’ work and the content of their group discussions to investigate the differences in their learning achievement. The results of this study are as follows: (1) No significant differences in test scores were observed between the two groups; (2) No significant differences in hands-on skills were observed between the two groups; (3) The use of group discussion in conjunction with mind mapping was shown to improve teamwork and received positive endorsements from many of the students in the experimental group.



小組討論, 心智圖法, 近側發展區, 學習成就, group discussion, learning achievement, mind-mapping, zone of proximal development(ZPD)





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