
dc.contributor.authorLIU YUNG-YUANen_US
dc.description.abstract全球化主要教育指標建構與我國教育政策對應之分析 摘要 本研究旨在探討全球化理論的內涵和發展,以做為建構全球化教育指標的基礎,並進一步利用所建構的全球化教育指標,檢視我國教育政策與全球化發展的聚合和分岐情形,並研提具體的改進意見,以供教育行政機關和學校規劃和推展全球化教育之參考。 本研究在方法論上,採取文件分析法、焦點團體訪談法、德懷術等進行研究分析。首先,就全球化的意義和特徵、本質和區辦、內涵、發展觀和對教育領域的重要影響,進行分析和探究,以瞭解並探明全球化教育指標應有的面向和架構,其次,進行焦點團體訪談,蒐集學者專家對有關全球化教育指標架構和內涵的意見與看法,初步建構和修正全球化教育指標雛型;最後,編擬「全球化教育指標調查問卷」作為研究工具,再採三回合德懷術問卷調查方法,進行專家意見調查。此外,本研究另進行對應分析,研究我國近六年來教育政策和全球化教育指標間的符應情形。 根據前述的研究方法,本研究獲致以下結論: 一、全球化理論發展方面 (一)全球化理論主要包括過度全球化論者(hyperglobalist)、轉型論者(transformationalist)和懷疑論者(skeptic)三大基礎。全球化理論對教育的衝擊也造成一致性、異質性和多元性等不同的風貌和影響;(二)全球化的重要發展趨勢,包括:1.行動的聚合現象;2.權力的重大變異;3.市場化、私有化和階層化發展;4.全球化的混種化發展。 二、全球化教育指標的一級指標方面 全球化教育指標的主要構面有四,包括:(一)教育思想與價值觀念發展指標;(二)民主社會與文化環境發展指標;(三)治理型態與教育權力發展指標;(四)資訊科技與終身學習發展指標。 三、全球化教育指標二級具體指標及三級指標內涵方面 (一)教育思想與價值觀念發展指標的二級具體指標共有四項。三級指標內涵則有廿三項;(二)民主社會與文化環境發展指標的二級具體指標共有四項。三級指標內涵則有廿一項;(三)治理型態與教育權力發展指標的二級具體指標共有三項。三級指標內涵則有十三項;(四)資訊科技與終身學習發展指標的二級具體指標共有三項。三級指標內涵則有十五項。 四、全球化教育政策發展方面 (一)全球化教育政策符應良好者有二項,分別為:關懷和照顧弱勢、建立終身學習體系;(二)全球化教育政策有待加強改進者有八項,分別為:1.支持創新的網絡不足;2.主體性不足;3.未能實施教育組織的財務自主政策;4.教育選擇的空間和機會不足;5.教育組織的開放和彈性有限;6.高中以下學校的自主性仍然不高;7.全球化文教活動貧乏;8.國際招生不足;(三)全球化教育政策有待重新建構者有十四項,分別為:包括:1.缺乏強化知識建構和發展的教育政策;2.缺乏強化知識管理和應用的教育政策;3.未有鼓勵成立知識社群的教育政策;4.缺乏批判和反省的機制;5.培養全球公民意識和宏觀視野不足;6.缺乏接納和重視全球公民的公共意見;7.缺乏培養世界公民的社會參與能力;8. 缺乏進行多元文化批判;9. 缺乏推動非營利跨國組織參與教育事務;10.缺乏整合全球發展和多元行動主體的治理趨勢;11.缺乏融合本土治理和全球治理;12.缺乏在地方特色的基礎上向國際發聲並與國際接軌;13.缺乏培養公民積極參與地方公共議題和政策制定;14.未重視建立專業對話社群和機制。 根據上述的結論,本研究提出下列建議: 一、在因應全球化發展趨勢方面的建議:(一)積極因應全球化的發展趨勢;(二)加強全球化綜效之研究;(三)建立全球政治經濟和教育文化論壇、智庫和網站。 二、在建構全球化教育指標方面的建議:(一)積極建立世界級的教育標準;(二)加速建立大學全球化發展指標;(三)建構可檢驗的全球化教育指標細項;(四)成立專責機構負責教育指標統計和建立引用指數。 三、在強化全球化教育政策方面的建議:(一)強化全球化教育政策制定;(二)持續發展優勢的全球化教育政策;(三)強化全球化不足的教育政策;(四)建構嶄新的全球化教育政策。 四、在發展全球化教育指標方面的建議:(一)在組織管理面:加強績效責任、學校本位和評鑑;(二)在民主法治和環境永續面:加強普世價值、再法治化、夥伴和永續發展;(三)在人力培育面:建構未來學校、e化學習和教學策略。 五、對未來研究的建議:(一)加強研究文獻蒐集;(二)擴大教育領域的研究;(三)提高研究應用。 關鍵字:全球化、教育指標、教育政策zh_TW
dc.description.abstractConstruction of Education Globalization Indexes and Analyses of Corresponding of Taiwan Education Policies to the Indexes Abstract This study aims to investigate the argumentations, cultivation, and developments of theories of globalization. The results were served as the foundation to construct the indexes for the education globalization and moreover, the indexes were used to examine the convergence and diversities of education policies and developments of education of globalization in Taiwan. Based on the results, some suggestions are provided to help the education organizations and schools with the planning and development of education globalization. The research methods adopted in this study include documentary analyses, focus group interviews, and Delphi Technique. First, this study explored and analyzed the meaning and features of globalization, the intrinsic quality and differences of globalization, the cultivation, developments, and impact of globalization on education. As a result, the constructs and organization of the indexes of globalization could be understood. Second, focus group interviews were employed to collect the opinions and viewpoints of scholars and experts on the index for education of globalization. Furthermore, the initial prototype was constructed and then revised. Finally, “A Questionnaire on Education Indexes for Globalization” was designed as a research instrument. In addition, the correlation between the education policies in the past six years and the index for education of globalization was analyzed. Based on the aforementioned methods, the results are summarized as followed. The first aspect is related to theories about developments of globalization 1. The three foundations for theories of globalization, the hyperglobalist, the transformationalist, and the skeptic, result in different aspects and influences. 2. The important development trends for globalization include (a) the convergence of movements, (b) significant diversities of power, (c) the developments of marketability, privatization, and global-stratification, and (d) the hybrid of globalization. The second aspect is concerned about the first-level indexes for education globalization. The indexes for education of globalization include four constructs: 1.the indexes for the developments of education thoughts and value systems. 2. the indexes for the developments of democracy, societies, cultures, and environments. 3. the indexes for the developments of governing types and education power. 4. the indexes for the developments of information technology and life-long learning. The third aspect focuses on the cultivations of the second-level and third-level indexes for education of globalization. 1. The concrete second-level indexes for the developments of education thoughts and value systems are composed of knowledge and creativity, theme and divergence, market and deregulation, customers and management. The third-level indexes consist of 23 items. 2. The concrete second-level indexes for the developments of democracy, societies, cultures, and environments are presented as followed: (a) democracy and freedom, global citizens and worldwide participation, multiple cultures and transmission of cultures, and global partners and sustainable developments. The third-level indexes consist of 21 items. 3. The concrete second-level indexes for the developments of governing types and education power include global conceptions and global governing, national weakening and education rights, local concepts and local governing. The third-level indexes consist of 13 items. 4. The concrete second-level indexes for the developments of information technology and life-long learning are composed of information technology and web-based learning, personnel training and education expansion, and organization development and life-long learning. The third-level indexes consist of 15 items. The fourth aspect is about the development of education policies. 1. Education policies of globalization which are effective included 2 items: taking care of the minority and establishing life-long learning systems. 2. Education policies of globalization which need improving included 8 items: (a) deficient support for innovation, (b) lack of autonomy, (c) no independent policies for financial affairs of education organizations, (d) inadequate choices and opportunities for education, (e) short of flexibilities of education organizations, (f) insufficient autonomy for elementary and high schools, (g) lack of relevant events of globalization, and (h) not enough overseas students. 3. Education policies of globalization which need to be reconstructed included 14 items: (a) meager knowledge construction and poorly-developed education policies, (b) lack of powerful knowledge management and applicable education policies, (c) no policies for encouragement of knowledge communities, (d) deficient mechanics for criticizing and reflection, (e) not enough training to cultivate global citizens’ conceptions, (f) inadequate public opinions to accept and emphasize global citizens, (g) insufficient abilities to participate in global events, (h) inability to criticize multiple cultures, (i) inadequate of non-profit international organizations to participate in education affairs, (j) no convergence of governing tendencies for global developments and multiple parties, (k) no integration of local and global governing, (l) no international connections and participations based on local characteristics, (m) lack of training to foster citizens’ participation of local issues and policy making, and (n) short of communities and mechanics for professional communication. Based on aforementioned results, the following suggestions are presented. First, suggestions on the developments of education policies: 1. to participate actively in he developments of globalization. 2. to strengthen studies on effectiveness of globalization. 3. to establish forums, think tanks, and websites for global politics, economy, and education cultures. Second, suggestions on the construction of indexes for education of globalization: 1. to establish world level education standards 2. to establish the indexes for the globalization of universities. 3. to construct defensible detailed indexes for education globalization 4. to establish special organization responsible for the statistics of education indexes and construct referable indicators Third, suggestions on the strengthening of education policies of globalization: 1.to strengthen the formulation of education policies of globalization 2. to continuingly develop prestigious education policies of globalization 3. to enhance the deficiency for education policies of globalization 4. to construct brand-new education policies of globalization Fourth, suggestions on the developments of indexes for education of globalization: 1. for the managements of organization: to strengthen achievements, standards, and evaluation. 2. for the stability of democracy, laws, and environments: to strengthen universal value systems, enactment of the laws, partnership, and sustainability. 3. for the training of human sources: to found schools of future, e-learning, and teaching strategies. Fifth, suggestions on future studies 1. to enhance literature review 2. to increase the research areas for education 3. to raise the applicability of the research Key words: globalization, educational index, educational policyen_US
dc.subjecteducational indexen_US
dc.subjecteducational policyen_US
dc.titleConstruction of Education Globalization Indexes and Analyses of Corresponding of Taiwan Education Policies to the Indexesen_US

