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跟隨臺灣地方造節活動的腳步,大雅小麥文化節從2004年起至今已邁入第九屆。然而在2011年,造節活動分成以農會及地方社團為主辦的兩個場地,形式也有所不同。本文的主旨在分析與討論小麥文化節社會網絡形塑過程,探討行動者如何面對並影響造節活動,以及造節活動如何影響地方發展。本研究透過行動者網絡理論爬梳小麥文化節的動態過程,並以社會網絡分析及社會資本兩種視野釐清社會網絡中異議出現的原因。在2011年3月到2012年6月期間,以參與觀察的方式進入小麥文化節的籌備會與當天活動,並且訪談14位與小麥文化節相關的行動者,以此進行田野調查。 本研究以鄉村發展理論的架構詮釋小麥文化節,發現大雅小麥產業的發展歷程深受國家政策以治理性的方式影響,當社造的口號鑼鼓喧囂之時,地方其實產生了內外交織的作用,進而徵召政府進入網絡之中。地方由新知識分子行動者,與傳統地方行動者透過小麥文化節此強制通行點進行轉譯,但卻因理念的不同與社會資本的影響造成網絡的變化,權力在當中持續的運作使得小麥文化節網絡並未因產生異議就此瓦解。網絡受到社會資本正負面的影響,初期結合型社會資本有助於網絡快速的結合,後期則透過橋樑型社會資本使得傳統地方行動者提高文化資本。當不同的行動者面對具有主體性的小麥產生不同的策略,小麥文化商品化的不同價值觀會影響到行動者的社會實踐,也真正影響著大雅未來的地方發展。
Following the footsteps of “Festival Creating Movement” in Taiwanese townships, “Daya Wheat Cultural Festival” had entered the ninth from 2004 until now. However, it is divided into two groups in 2011: Daya Township Farmer’s Association and local communities. Both held up the activities, but the sites and forms are different. The aim of the research is to discuss the development of Daya Wheat Cultural Festival’s social network and set out to identify how the Wheat Cultural Festival cooperated with actors in their surroundings, based on the Actor-Network Theory. In order to explore the dissidence in the social network, two key approaches are considered in the study: social network analysis and the social capital theory. The fieldwork had been carried out by participant observation in the preparatory committee of Wheat Cultural Festival and also 14 in-depth interview with actors from March, 2011 to June, 2012. “Deregulation and reregulation”, “Arenas of commoditization and social resistance” and “Network and actor spaces” are used as the framework to interpret the festival. In this way, the findings of the paper are as follow: The governmentality of state’s policy makes influences on development process of the Wheat. When the ‘Community empowerment’ is in full swing, local is influenced by both internal and external forces. Local actors can enroll the state into the network, and furthermore the Wheat Cultural Festival as the Obligatory Passage Point(OPP) makes two side translate each other. However, different goals and social capitals effect on the change of the network. Different actors develop different strategies when facing the subjectivity of wheat. Furthermore, the different values of the commodification of wheat culture influence the social practices of social actors, which also truly be the key point of local development in Daya.



小麥文化節, 鄉村發展理論, 社會網絡, 社會資本, 轉譯, Wheat Cultural Festival, Rural Development Theory, Social Network, Social Capital, Translate





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