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誠如現有文獻所示,臺灣國語(Taiwanese Mandarin)為臺灣民眾之母語和官方語言「國語」長期接觸下的產物,由於臺灣閩南語(下以「臺語」簡稱行文)母語人士占有極高比例,因而目前整理出的臺灣國語句式多數帶有臺語色彩。
國語的「到」表達「客體經位移而接觸目標」,做為動詞後置成分有「抵達」、「達到」、「前往」以及「輪到」等動詞義項;然而,臺灣民眾將「到」泛用於動作達至目的或產生結果的表達,甚可呈現結果、狀態或程度的過度義,是為臺灣國語「到」之特有句式。由認知語法(Cognitive Grammar)中的原型理論(Prototype Theory),我們認為國語「到」和臺語「tioh」之動詞本義與動詞後置表現的相應基礎為「接觸」義。奠基於此,有別於同表「接觸義」但僅能與意志動詞(volitional verb)搭配的「著(zhao2)」,臺灣國語「到」之語義功能可依意志的涉及與否分為「達至目的(主動接觸)」、「產生結果(被動接觸)」和「構成聯結(必要接觸)」,再由其所搭配之動詞類型、動作與狀態於時間軸上的互動分為九個次類。另一方面,臺灣國語「到」由動詞>連動結構(serial construction)(次要動詞)>動詞性補語(verbal complement)>動助詞(verb-particle)>動詞後綴(affix)的演變也呈現了語法化(grammaticalization)漸變的單向性(unidirectionality)。
Due primarily to language contact with Southern Min, the official language of Taiwan, so-called ‘Guoyu’, is different from its origin based on the Beijing Mandarin(Putonghua) in phonology, lexicon, and syntax. The basic meaning of ‘Dao’ is ‘the theme comes into contact with the goal, in a situation of movement;’ however, people in Taiwan use it widely, from commonly ‘achieving the goal’ to exaggeratedly ‘denoting excessiveness.’ Based on Cognitive Grammar (Langacker 1986) and Prototype Theory (Rosch et al. 1976), we divide its semantic functions into three: (1)Achievement (active contact), (2)Result (passive contact), and (3)Connection (obligatory contact). On the other hand, the process of semantic change has made Taiwanese Mandarin ‘Dao’ a case showing the unidirectionality of grammaticalization.
Due primarily to language contact with Southern Min, the official language of Taiwan, so-called ‘Guoyu’, is different from its origin based on the Beijing Mandarin(Putonghua) in phonology, lexicon, and syntax. The basic meaning of ‘Dao’ is ‘the theme comes into contact with the goal, in a situation of movement;’ however, people in Taiwan use it widely, from commonly ‘achieving the goal’ to exaggeratedly ‘denoting excessiveness.’ Based on Cognitive Grammar (Langacker 1986) and Prototype Theory (Rosch et al. 1976), we divide its semantic functions into three: (1)Achievement (active contact), (2)Result (passive contact), and (3)Connection (obligatory contact). On the other hand, the process of semantic change has made Taiwanese Mandarin ‘Dao’ a case showing the unidirectionality of grammaticalization.
臺灣國語, 動詞後置成分'到', 語言接觸, 語義功能, 語義延伸, Taiwanese Mandarin, post-verbal 'Dao', language contact, semantic functions, semantic extensions