學習風格對線上學習頻率與成效之影響 - 以工程類科目為例

dc.contributorChien-Pen, Chuangen_US
dc.contributor.authorChia-Yu, Shenen_US
dc.description.abstract在資訊科技發達的時代,線上學習系統趨漸為學習者在學習上所仰賴的學習工具,因此須探討其線上學習系統對於個體的合適性。本研究旨在探討不同學習風格的學習者在使用線上學習系統的頻率與成效之差異性。本研究首先分析線上學習工程類科學習者之學習風格類型的分佈情形。其次分析與探討線上學習者使用線上學習系統的滿意度與成效之現況與差異;最後探討不同學習風格的學習者使用線上學習系統時間頻率的差異。本研究採觀察研究法記錄線上學習時間頻率,以及問卷調查研究法調查學習滿意度與成效;研究時間為民國99年11月至100年1月為期3個月;研究對象為台灣知識庫數位學堂工程類科線上學習者,以便利取樣方式,抽取300位,有效樣本為196位進行資料統計分析。資料分析以單一樣本t考驗、相依樣本t考驗以及單因子變異數分析等統計方式。 研究結果顯示: 一、 線上學習工程類科學習者以「同化型」為最多,其次為「聚歛型」。 二、 工程類科學習者使用線上學習系統在課程滿意度均達顯著水準。 三、 工程類科學習者使用線上學習系統在學習成效自我評估均達顯著水準。 四、 不同學習風格線上學習者在課程滿意度上有顯著差異;且其整體而言以「擴散型」滿意度最高。 五、 不同學習風格線上學習者在學習成效自我評估上有顯著差異,其中以「擴散型」為最佳。 六、 四種不同學習風格的學生使用線上學習系統工程類科學習者之頻率隨著自行學習的課程進度皆為下降的趨勢。 七、 「擴散型」學習者使用線上學習的頻率最為穩定。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the information era, the on-line learning system has become an important learning tool for learners. For this reason, it is necessary to investigate the appropriateness of on-line learning system for individual learners. The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences of frequency and achievement for different learning style learners who used on-line learning system. First, we analyzed the distribution of the learning style for on-line learning learners in the field of engineering. Next, we analyzed the difference of student's satisfaction and achievement. Finally, the differences of logon frequency of different learning style learners was calculated. The observation method was used to record learners’logon frequency. Their satisfaction and achievement were surveyed with questionnaires. In a span of three months, from November 2010 to Jaunary 2011, the data collected from the convenience sampling, and 196 learners were valid for the study. The statistic methods, such as t-test, one-sample t-test, paired-sample t-test and one-way ANOVA, were conducted to analyze related data. The results of research are as the followings: 1. The most learning style of engineering students who used on-line learning is “assimilator” and the next is “converger.” 2. Students' satisfaction reaches the level of significance. 3. The self-estimation of learning achievement reaches the level of significance. 4. The different learning style learners have significant difference on courses satisfaction and the best one is“diverger.” 5. The different learning style learners have significant difference on self-estimation of learning achievement and the best is “diverger.” 6. The logon frequency for different learning styles of engineering courses learners are decreased by course progress of self learning. 7. The“diverger” learners' logon frequency is the most stable group among all groups.en_US
dc.subjecton-line learningen_US
dc.subjectself-estimation of learning achievementen_US
dc.subjectlearning styleen_US
dc.subjectlearning frequencyen_US
dc.title學習風格對線上學習頻率與成效之影響 - 以工程類科目為例zh_TW
dc.titleThe Influence of Learning Style on On-line Learning Frequency and Learning Achievement - Examples of Studying Engineer Coursesen_US

