

觀察台灣流行音樂工業之發展歷程,不難發現:一九九○年代後的跨國唱片產業著眼於商業利益的最大化,驅使流行音樂消費人口年齡的再下降,因此,流行音樂的消費與收聽已為青少年重要的次文化與休閒活動,是家庭、學校、同儕之外另一項影響青少年生活的重大力量。 探討當代流行歌曲其中的意涵,可瞭解普同的社會現象及群眾心態。倘若流行音樂傾向「再現」社會真實,流行音樂如何「再現」?「再現」了什麼?對青少年的兩性觀點造成什麼影響?學校教育所教授兩性平權的觀念與流行音樂大力放送的性別意識型態,是否無形中交互頡頏?是本研究亟欲瞭解的問題。而無論是站在媒體素養的角度來檢視流行音樂,抑或是以流行音樂素材結合性別議題教學,都有待我們對流行音樂透露的文本內容做一概觀的瞭解。 基於上述研究動機,本研究期望探討下列問題:一、2002-2005年台灣流行音樂歌詞中透露的兩性角色定位、兩性關係為何?二、2002-2005年台灣流行音樂歌詞中的性別意識形態是否與性別平等教育精神相扞格? 研究者針對台灣地區2002年至2005年G-music排行榜上之國語流行音樂歌詞分別進行符號學分析,深入探討歌詞中的符號意義,並辨識歌詞中的隱含義、迷思,以梳理出歌詞據以再製生產的性別意識結構。再從「性別平等教育」的課程目標,研擬兩項核心概念以檢核本研究所分析的二十七首流行音樂歌詞的性別意識形態:一是「多元的性別角色」,一是「平等互惠的兩性互動」,以之對照分析流行音樂歌詞所呈現的兩性世界。 研究發現,部分歌曲雖呈現出較為多元的性別角色,卻仍依循傳統界定的兩性角色主軸以描述兩性之形象、性格特質;有少數歌曲出現顛覆刻板印象的訊息。部分歌曲所傳遞的兩性愛情對待之觀念,與性別平等教育之精神相互呼應。在尊重青少年次文化的前提下,了解、辨別流行音樂傳遞的性別意識型態,並以之融入性別教育及媒體素養教育,可望有效達成性別意識建立之目標。
Observing the development of popular music industry in Taiwan, we will find out that the transnational recording industry has pursued the most profit since 1990, causing the descending of consumers’ ages. Thus, consuming or listening to the pop music has become teenagers’ important subculture and leisure activities. It is another main factor that influences their lives besides family, school and peers. Probing into the meaning of the popular music lyrics can help us understand the common social phenomena and the mass psychology. Based on gender equity education and media literacy education, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the following two questions. 1. What are the gender roles and the gender interaction relationship in the popular music lyrics in Taiwan from 2002 to 2005? 2. Is the gender ideology in the popular music lyrics conjunct with the curriculum goal of gender equity education? The researcher analyzed 27 pieces of the Chinese popular music retrieved from g-music with Semiotics approach and then examined them with two core-conceptions, “multiple gender roles” and “equity gender interaction relationship.” Several findings can be concluded from this study. 1. Most lyrics still follow the traditional concept to describe the gender image and character even though they represent more multiple gender roles. 2. Few lyrics overthrow the gender stereotypes. 3. The love values insome lyrics correspond with the spirit of gender equity education. On the premise that teenagers’ subculture should be respected, it is strongly suggested that distinguishing the gender ideology in the popular music and combining the concept with gender equity education and media literacy education will help achieve the goal of cultivating the gender consciousness.



流行音樂, 性別角色, 兩性互動關係, 性別意識形態, popular music, sex/gender roles, gender interaction relationship, gender ideology





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