
dc.contributorWang, Hung-Chunen_US
dc.contributor.authorMa, Hsiang-Mingen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討影片融入文法教學相較於傳統文法教學,對於台灣八年級生在英文文法知識及文法表現上之成效是否有所不同。本研究對象為北台灣某國中兩班八年級生,共五十七名學生。實驗教學為期六週,每週一至二次。研究者對其中一班實施影片融入文法教學,運用短片及影片教學技巧,輔助文法學習;另一班實施傳統文法教學,教師講述文法規則後搭配例句練習造句。在教學前後分別實施教師自編的文法成就測驗,內容包括文法理解測驗以及文法應用測驗,以評量學生理解及應用目標文法結構的能力。此外,實驗教學後,研究者亦以問卷調查實驗組同學對於影片融入教學的看法。 研究結果顯示,首先,影片融入文法教學與傳統文法教學,無論對學生整體文法成就、文法知識及文法表現,兩組之間並無顯著差異;再者,兩組學生無論在整體學習、理解及運用目標文法結構上的前後測,其組內差異都達到顯著,足見影片融入文法教學與傳統文法教學均能有效協助學生學習文法。此外,透過問卷回饋,實驗組學生高度肯定影片融入文法教學,並表示此教學方式非常有趣且對其語言學習大有助益。有些學生更明確指出影片融入文法教學的特色,例如多元類型的影片內容、有趣的教學方式、結合電子產品以及實用的學習單,這些特色讓此課程更具成效。 根據量化研究及質性分析,本論文在實務教學上有兩貢獻。第一,影片融入文法教學與傳統文法教學均能有效協助學生學習文法,但有鑑於影片融入文法教學能有效提升學生學習興趣,影片融入文法教學值得英語教師於文法課實施。第二,本論文發現課堂活動涉及猜測、科技融入以及分組活動,可以增進學生參與,顯示融合此三元素於英語課堂中的重要性。總括而言,本論文除了證實影片融入文法教學對於台灣八年級生英文文法知識及文法表現之成效之外,本研究提供教師在文法教學時的另一選擇,希望藉此能激發學生對文法學習的興趣。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to investigate whether the video-aided instruction (VAI) had different effects from the conventional instruction (CI) on Taiwanese eighth graders’ grammatical knowledge and grammatical performance. A group of 57 eighth graders (aged from 13 to 14) from two intact classes in a junior high school in northern Taiwan participated in the experiment for six weeks, once or twice a week. The experiment group (27 students) was instructed by the VAI in which target grammar structures were learned with the aid of video clips and video-viewing techniques, while the control group (30 students) was taught by the CI in which grammar rules were explicitly explained before practice and production activities. A self-made grammar achievement test (GAT) composed of a comprehension test and a production test was conducted before and after the instruction to assess the students’ grammatical abilities regarding the target grammar structures. After the six-week instruction, a VAI evaluation survey was distributed to the experiment group so as to explore their perceptions of the VAI. The results show that firstly, with respect to between-group comparisons, no statistically significant differences were found between the VAI and the CI groups in the participants’ development in their overall grammatical achievements, grammatical knowledge and grammatical performance. Secondly, as for within-group comparisons, either the VAI group or the CI group made statistically significant progress from the pretest to the posttest in terms of the GAT, the comprehension test and the production test, suggesting that both the VAI and the CI were conducive to the students’ grammar learning. Moreover, the students’ feedback from the experimental group further demonstrates that they felt highly affirmative with the VAI; they also considered the VAI to be interesting and beneficial for facilitating their language learning. In addition, some students specified that the features of the VAI, including the diverse genres of video clips, interesting techniques applied, novel electronic product used, and practical worksheets devised, contributed to its success. According to the quantitative and qualitative analyses, this thesis may have the pedagogical implications as follows. First of all, the results show that the VAI and the CI can both benefit the students’ grammar learning. Considering those benefits the VAI can offer to students, such as promoting their interest in grammar learning, it is worthwhile for English teachers to implement the VAI in their grammar lessons. Secondly, prediction, technology, and group discussion were the important stimulators for students’ engagement in the VAI. Class activities involving the three elements were popular with the students, suggesting the importance of incorporating the three elements into grammar lessons. In short, this thesis demonstrated the effectiveness of the VAI on Taiwanese eighth graders’ grammatical knowledge and grammatical performance. It is hoped that this study can provide English teachers with an alternative approach to teaching grammar, and to further igniting students’ interest in learning grammar.en_US
dc.subjectgrammar instructionen_US
dc.subjectgrammatical awarenessen_US
dc.subjectvideo-aided instructionen_US
dc.subjectvideo-teaching techniquesen_US
dc.titleThe Effects of Video-Aided Grammar Instruction on Taiwanese Eighth Graders' English Grammatical Knowledge and Grammatical Performanceen_US

