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這是一個關於一位被遺忘的臺灣音樂家的故事。他是林二,臺灣運用電腦創作音樂的先驅,在民謠、民歌的著作權與推廣上更是功不可沒。他也是位傑出的作曲家,年紀輕輕即受到矚目,在戒嚴時期能夠免役,被推薦前往美國深造,但為什麼林二沒有在臺灣音樂史上留名? 本文將林二的一生,分成四個時期探討,包含:「赴美深造前 (1934-1958)」、「留美期間 (1959-1971)」、「回台發展 (1971-1985)」、「中晚年 (1986-2011)」。前兩個是林二最輝煌的時期,但一切都在他回臺灣發展後變了調,經歷了離婚、白色恐怖波及、失去教職……等事件,讓林二為生活所苦。當時的臺灣,不管是電腦音樂還是著作權推廣,都還處於草莽時代,並沒有足夠的舞台讓林二發展長才,他的電腦音樂研究因而中斷,似乎也影響了他的創作生涯。即便他的人生不順遂,他對臺灣音樂的貢獻,仍是不可抹滅的。
This is a story about Erh Lin, a Taiwanese composer who has been forgotten. He is a pioneer in the use of computers to create music in Taiwan. Besides, his contributions to Taiwanese folk songs copyright and promotion is great. He is also an outstanding composer who attracted notice at a young age. During the martial law period, he was exempt from military service and recommended to study music in the United States. But why did Erh Lin not leave a name behind the history of Taiwanese music? The study divided Erh Lin's life into four periods, including “Before Going to the United States for Further Study (1934-1958)”, “Study in the United States (1959-1971)”, “Return to Taiwan (1971-1985)”, and “His Middle and Old Age (1986-2011)”. The first two were the most brilliant periods of Erh Lin, but returning to Taiwan. During 1971-1985, he experienced divorce, white horror, losing teaching …etc. All this made Erh Lin suffer for life. At that time, whether computer music or copyright promotion, it was still immature era, and there was not enough stage for Erh Lin to develop in Taiwan. Therefore, his computer music research was interrupted and seemed to have influenced his career being a composer. Even if his life was not smooth, his contribution to Taiwanese music is still indelible.



林二, 電腦音樂, 民俗音樂, 民歌, 民謠, 著作權, 白色恐怖, Erh Lin, computer music, folk music, Taiwanese folk songs, copyright, white horror





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