
dc.description.abstract本文旨在探索前人所累積的創作經驗與繪畫理念,結合自身的筆墨技巧、學養、個性、及時代背景,運用藉物喻情的手法,以水果寄情,研究水墨畫創作技法,期能推陳出新以求探索多元變化可能性的拓展,尋求水墨畫創作的新方向。 第一章 緒論 說明研究的動機、目的、方法與架構。 第二章 蔬果畫中水果畫之發展 分三個段代來探索蔬果畫中的水果畫之發展;一是中國古典繪畫時期之水果繪畫,二是近現代之水果畫,三是台灣當代的水果畫。解析每個時代具有代表性畫家的水果畫,研究他們的師承、畫風、貢獻及影響。 第三章 東西方繪畫之異同 分析水果畫的民族特色與文化價值,探索西方靜物畫的流變並且對於西方靜物畫與東方水果畫之異同進行比較。 第四章 創作思維與繪畫理念 研究如何體認客觀主體,創作構思以至實踐及完成創作,對於在此一創作過程中所依據的創作理念以及所伴隨的審美意識、加以探討。 第五章 作品解析 針對作品,就創作動機、繪畫理念、內容與形式、創作特點以及藝術價值這幾個層面加以陳述解析。 第六章 結論 探討研究當前社會環境帶給水墨畫的衝擊,展望未來之方向作為努力的目標。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA Discussion for creation of the Ink fruits Paintings in Taiwan By Chen Jo – Hui Abstract This context is focused on researching for the creative experience and the idea of fruit painting from the old time. I use the age of background, drawing skill and personal characteristic, and prove these elements were reflected in the fruits painting through metaphors and try to find out new possibility of development in Chinese painting. I study the skill and recreate the new works. There are six chapters in this study. In the first chapter, it includes the goal of studying motivation, contents of the medium by fruits painting, drawing skill and its structure. The comparison of the aesthetics with the western printing’s conception and making an experiment on it fulfills my works. In second chapter, it describes the development of vegetable and fruits painting in flowers and birds painting. This section studied the traditional Chinese painting from Tong to Chi Dynasty, modern styles and the western culture shock the orient, and then, it's like two rivers mingle into one "abundant thought " When II World War moved into history, Taiwanese artistes reflected the age and lived through their painting, and insisted to innovate and made creation for new annotation. In third chapter, it studies the difference between the Orient and the Western paintings. I research for the western still objects paintings and compare them with the Chinese painting. In the fourth chapter, it is about the conception of flowers and birds’ paintings in innovation and painting theory. To conceive the objectivities and to create the structure of paintings carry out the completion of creation. They consist of several things - education, professional training, aesthetics concept, background and environment, personal characteristic and cultivation that combined the process of creative works with. The next is about the acceptation and appreciation. In the fifth chapter, it analyzes the works that contain culture, heritage, the worthiness of art and aesthetics. I explain the painting motivation, conception, contents, form, skill and effects. In the last chapter, the conclusion seeks the achievement of effort and gaining to carry on the task of invention and innovation for Chinese painting in the future.en_US

