正確用藥教育介入之成效研究 -以宜蘭縣國民中學學生為例

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本研究主要目的在探討正確用藥教育介入對於宜蘭市某國中學生之正確用藥知識、態度和行為意圖的影響。採用準實驗設計之「實驗組、對照組前後測設計」,實驗組接受正確用藥教育介入教學活動,而對照組則不接受任何的實驗處理。研究對象為101學年度第一學期就讀於宜蘭市某國中學生為實驗組,另外選取宜蘭市一所國中為對照組。採用自編的「國中學生正確用藥知識、態度與行為問卷」作為前後測問卷,回收問卷經前後測配對後,共得有效樣本215名(實驗組116人,對照組99人),有效作答率為100%。研究對象在教育介入前均接受前測,後測於教育介入後一週內進行。所得資料以卡方檢定、t檢定、配對t檢定、單因子共變數分析(ANCOVA)等來進行分析,根據研究發現有以下結論: (一)正確用藥教學介入前,實驗組和對照組在「正確用藥知識、正確用藥態度、正確用藥行為意圖」得分上無顯著差異。 (二)正確用藥教學介入後,實驗組學生「正確用藥知識、正確用藥態度、正確用藥行為意圖」後測得分高於前測,且達顯著差異。 (三)正確用藥教學介入後,在控制前測得分下,實驗組學生「正確用藥知識、正確用藥態度、正確用藥行為意圖」的後測得分高於對照組,且達統計顯著差異。 (四)實驗組對正確用藥教育介入活動的滿意情形,超 過八成的學生表示喜歡;而將近九成的學生認為教學活動有助於增進其在生活上的應用,以及他們的正確用藥知識、態度和行為。整體而言,超過94%的學生對本此教學活動感到滿意。
This study aims to explore how correct medication education affects students’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviorial intentions in junior high schools of Yilan City. Pretest-Posttest Designs, a Quasi-experimental Design, have been adopted in the study to indicate the effects between experimental group and control group. Research subjects were selected from two local junior high schools in Yilan City. The questionnaire was designed by the researcher and categorized under the knowledge of correct medication, attitude, and behavior. 215 copies of questionnaire from both groups (116 copies from experimental group, 99 copies from control group) were completed and regarded as valid. The effective rate of answering the questionnaire is 100%. All subjects were arranged for the pretest before the education intervention and proceeded the posttest in the following week after the education intervention. The researcher analyzed the data by utilizing the chi-square test, t test, paired t-test, and ANCOVA, and the research findings are; (A)it’s not evident for both experimental group and control group in relation to the knowledge of correct medication, attitudes, and behavorial intentions before the medication education, (B)it’s obvious that the students of experimental group scored higher on posttest than on pretest after the education intervention, (C)it’s also distinct that the students of experimental group scored higher than those of control group on the posttest after the education intervention, ( D)more than 80% of students in experimental group are satisfied with the correct medication education; furthermore, nearly 90% of students think that the medication education benefits their knowledge of correct medication, attitudes, and behaviors in their daily life. To sum up, more than 94% of students feel satisfactory for the medication education.



正確用藥, 教育介入, 知識, 態度, 行為, correct medication, education intervention, knowledge, attitude, behavior





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