

學 系 別:地理學系教學碩士班 論文名稱:台灣海水池釣場經營型態與釣客特性之研究 指導教授:陳憲明 研 究 生:甘慧茹 論文內容:共一冊,約九萬六千餘字,分五章十七節,並以五百餘字扼要說明內容。 【中文摘要】 本研究以台灣海水池釣場為研究主體,探討其發展背景與脈絡,得知其發展主要來自於進步的海水養殖技術,提供廣大、多元而穩定的魚源,且配合釣友的需求,台灣池釣運動由淡水池釣轉向海水池釣。 透過問卷調查法與深入訪談法,歸納出三種海水池釣場的經營型態----「濱海型」、「內陸型」與「生產型」,前兩者是一般對外營業的消費空間,釣客只要付費就可以享受釣魚之樂,濱海型海水池釣場位在海邊,海水來源直接取用海水,而內陸型位在都市近郊,水源依賴海水車運送,兩者經營型態的差異主要來自於土地成本、水源成本的影響,濱海型數量佔92﹪,經營類型單純,使用勞力較少;而內陸型僅佔8﹪,必須採多元化經營,使用3倍的勞力。而生產型海水池釣場則是文蛤養殖業者的兼業,一般開放時間約為每年的清明節至中秋節前後,僅以虱目魚為對象魚,且招攬釣客必須透過魚頭仲介。海水池釣場釣客的特性以遊憩專業、釣魚動機、環境識覺三個面向來分析,濱海型釣客的遊憩專業較內陸型高,動魚動機也是展現在專業程度的差別,濱海型的釣客是專業的休閒活動,而內陸型的釣客僅是娛樂性質的休閒行為,在環境識覺方面則兩個類型的釣客並無不同,主要都是為了要體驗釣大魚的感受,並受到對海水池釣場的熟悉程度影響。
The subject of this study is the saltwater fishing ponds in Taiwan. The development of the saltwater fishing ponds is based on the developed aquaculture in Taiwan. Pay ponds are important because they obviously constitute a significant recreational resource. There are three operational types of the saltwater ponds in Taiwan---the maritime type, the inland type, and the aquacultural one. The first two are the general concessions. People pay for fishing there. The saltwater of the maritime type is from the sea and the business sorts are simple. The inland type is near the urban. The saltwater is taken to the inland ponds by the trucks, and the business sorts are diverse. The aquacultural type is the side job of the calm-aquacultural owners. People go fishing for the milkfish through the agents. The anglers in the saltwater fishing ponds are surveyed by questionnaire through the recreation specialization, the fishing motives, and the environment perception. The recreation specialization of the maritime anglers is higher than that of the inland ones. The fishing motives and the environment perception between the two types anglers are not much different.



海水池釣場, 經營型態, 遊憩專業, 環境識覺, saltwater fishing ponds, operational type, recreational specialization, environment perception





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