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本研究旨在探討高職電機電子群教師教學信念、教師專業發展與教學效能間的關係。為達研究目的本研究採問卷調查法,以「高職電機電子群教師教學信念、教師專業發展與教學效能現況量表」為其研究工具,研究對象為102學年度臺灣地區高職電機電子群教師,採便利取樣方式進行。共計發出410份問卷,回收289份,有效問卷267份,可用率92.39%。依據資料分析結果,獲得之研究結論如下: 一、高職電機電子群教師的教學信念具有良好的取向;二、高職電機電子群教師對教師專業發展有良好的認同度;三、高職電機電子群教師教學效能的情況良好;四、年齡51歲以上的高職電機電子群教師在教學信念上優於40歲以下之教師;五、年資26年以上的高職電機電子群教師在教學信念上優於年資25年以下之教師;六、年齡51歲以上的高職電機電子群教師在教師專業發展上優於50歲以下之教師;七、年資26年以上的高職電機電子群教師在教師專業發展上優於年資25年以下之教師;八、年齡51歲以上的高職電機電子群教師在教學效能上優於40歲以下之教師;九、年資26年以上的高職電機電子群教師在教學效能優於年資5年以下之教師;十、高職電機電子群教師教學信念及教師專業發展對教學效能具有正向預測力。 最後,依據上述研究結論,提出建議供教育行政機關、高職電機電子群教師以及未來研究之參考。 關鍵字:教學信念、教師專業發展、教學效能、高職電機電子群教師
The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships among Teaching Belief, Teacher Professional Development, and Teaching Efficiency for the Senior Vocational High School Teachers of Electrical and Electronic Cluster. A survey is conducted to reach research purpose and the instrument named “Teaching Belief, Teacher Professional Development, and Teaching Efficiency for the Senior Vocational High School Teachers of Electrical and Electronic Cluster Questionnaire” to be employed as research tool. Subjects are selected via convenience sampling from Senior Vocational High School Teachers of Electrical and Electronic Cluster on 2013 in Taiwan. Total 410 questionnaires are distributed to subjects and 289 returned with 267 valid data (92.39%) then put into statistical analysis process. Some conclusions are obtained based on data analysis results as following: 1. It is reflected, generally, high-efficiency teaching belief to be owned by the Senior Vocational High School Teachers of Electrical and Electronic Cluster, especially in the domain of “Teacher Role”. 2. A madden-to-high level in “Teacher Professional Development” are displayed from this survey, yet, the “Professionalism” and the “Professional Attitude” reached the highest scores compare with other domains. 3. The condition of “Teaching Efficiency” in Senior Vocational High School Teachers of Electrical and Electronic Cluster is good, moreover, the “Classroom climate” get the best performance. 4. Compare with the “Teaching Belief” that “Over 51 year old teacher group” higher than “Younger than 40 year old teacher group”. 5. The “Seniority over 26 year group” get highest scores in “Teaching Belief” than “Seniority under 25 year group” significantly. 6. Age “Over 51 year old group” better than “Under 50 year old group” in the “Professional Development”. 7. The “Professional Development” scores are “Seniority over 26 year group” better than “Seniority under 25 year group”. 8. Age “Over 51 year old group” better than “Under 50 year old group” in the “Teaching Efficiency”. 9. The “Seniority over 26 year group” get highest scores in “Teaching Efficiency” than “Seniority under 5 year group” significantly. 10. The “Teaching Belief” and “Teacher Professional Development” can positive predict “Teaching Efficiency” respectively. Lastly, proper suggestions based on research result to be offered as reference for educational orgnizations, Senior Vocational High School Teachers of Electrical and Electronic Cluster, and researchers.



教學信念, 教師專業發展, 教學效能, 高職電機電子群教師, Teaching Belief, Teacher Professional Development, Teaching Efficacy, Senior Vocational High School Teachers of Electrical and Electronic Cluster





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