子代夥伴參與「用愛包圍,與你同在」(Wraparound) 服務經驗之研究

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家扶基金會於2008年引進已在美國行之有年的Wraparound,並譯名為 「Wraparound用愛包圍,與你同在」方案(以下簡稱「用愛包圍」),透過親代與子代夥伴進入有需求的家庭中,採用與家庭一起工作,運用優勢觀點激發家庭正向力量,連結並整合社區資源以及團隊工作的模式進入服務,以家庭維繫為目標,延續並創新家扶基金會的兒少保護工作方法,使服務模式能調整至足以解決先前觀察到的境況。 本研究旨在瞭解子代夥伴參與「用愛包圍」的服務經驗,包含:子代夥伴進入案家服務前的培訓和媒合、進入案家服務時與團隊成員的合作,以及過程中持續接受督導的過程;並依此探討其對「用愛包圍」方案的看法,提出制度和實務上的建議。為此,本研究邀請家扶總會中「用愛包圍」的方案專員,以及九位子代夥伴,讓大眾能更了解「用愛包圍」在台灣的發展脈絡與實施現況,更深入探討子代夥伴參與「用愛包圍」的服務經驗,期許能進而提出制度和實務上的建議。 研究結果發現,「用愛包圍」,歷經不斷的發展後,提出方案中所強調的三要素,分別是:家庭會議的召開、親代夥伴的進駐,以及服務計畫的擬定,據此和其他服務做出明顯區別,也突顯「用愛包圍」的特點。 「用愛包圍」強調運用團隊合作的方式提供案家所需的服務,因此,子代夥伴在服務的過程中,的確會與「用愛包圍」的團隊成員有十分密切的合作,這些合作經驗,也是形塑出子代夥伴在「用愛包圍」中服務經驗的重要因素。而本研究中,九位受訪者都擁有至少兩年以上的服務經驗,這些豐富的服務經驗,在子代夥伴的腦海中勢必會存在某些畫面,有些令人印象深刻,有些則會是服務時曾碰到的困境,都是獨一無二的經歷。此外,受訪者也提出關於家庭會議、督導與訓練課程、家庭夥伴,以及在行政層面上等相關建議。
In 2008, Taiwan Fund for Children and Families (CCF) has introduced a project named "Wraparound", which has been practiced in the United States of America for quite some time. The family in need will be joined by youth or parents/caregivers to work alongside the family. By using Strengths Perspective to inspire the positive force in the family, also to connect and to integrate with local community resources as team services. The purpose is to bind the family, to remain and to spark the renovation for Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, so the service model can be flexible enough to adapt to specific cases. This study aims to grasp the service experiences of the youth partners for the Wraparound Project. Their work includes:(the youth partners’)Training before entering the particular family, collaboration with the particular family and team members, and the period of undergoing constant supervision from the members. They will also share their perspectives on Wraparound and offer suggestions on both practical and institutional sector. This nine study interviews are Wraparound youth partners from CCF for the pubic to have clearer insight on the current status of Wraparound in Taiwan. The result of the study shows, after constant developments, Wraparound brings out three key factors, listed as follows:Family meetings, engaging parents/caregiver participants, and draw up service programs. These key points outlined Wraparound and distinguishes it from other services. Wraparound Project emphasizes on team collaboration in order to offer the most suitable arrangement for individual cases. Thus, during the service process, the youth partners were indeed working very closely with the members from Wraparound team. These collaboration experiences shape the vital element for youth participants. The nine interviewees have at least two years experiences in the field. There are certain experiences and dilemma that were encountered during their services, all of them are unique examples. Furthermore, interviewees also provides suggestions regarding family meeting, supervision, training course, family companion, and other approach on administrative levels.



子代夥伴, Wraparound, 用愛包圍, Wraparound, the youth partners





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