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本研究旨在於探求影響員工數位學習遷移動機的因素,並確認其因素間如何影響遷移動機。研究以企業組織的角度為出發點,運用跨領域的思維,融合實體訓練的學習遷移系統(LTSI)以及數位學習科技相關模式(如,UTAUT、ISS、ELS等模式)和組織情境相關文獻找出影響數位學習遷移動機的因素。繼而經由訪談 11 位企業實務專家確認影響因素並經過問卷調查進行探索性因素分析發展出具備良好信、效度的研究工具 ─ 數位學習遷移動機量表。量表中含括 11 個影響因素以及 1 個依變數(遷移動機),共計 41 個題項。研究透過結構方程模式驗證影響因素間的關係,獲得良好的模式適配度。本研究致獲主要結論為數位學習遷移動機共有 11 個影響因素,其中 4 個因素為直接影響(主管支持、學習滿意度、遷移能力以及服務品質),7 個因素為間接影響(遷移設計、持續學習文化、知覺組織支持、績效結果期望、內容效度、內容使用以及系統品質),而因素之間的路徑有 23 個假設獲得成立,形成數位學習遷移動機影響因素模式。研究最後亦根據研究結果提出對企業經營者以及未來研究者之建議。
This study aimed to explore the factors that affect the employee’s e-Learning motivation to transfer, and to verify the relationships among themselves. This study used an organization perspective and interdisciplinary thinking to integrate some theory models (e.g., LTSI, UTAUT, ISS, and ELS) and extracted factors from them, besides this study also considered the relevant literatures of organizational context and put them into the research model. This study confirmed the effect factors through interview with 11 corporate e-Learning experts and questionnaires investigation. The scale with 41 items encompasses 11 effect factors and a dependent variable (motivation to transfer). Through the validation of structural equation modeling, the study’s model got a good model fit and most of the research hypotheses were supported. Overall, the main results of this study found: first, the 11 effect factors (4 direct and 7 indirect effect factors) would affect motivation to tranfer via directly and indirectly. Second, 23 hypotheses were established to form a model of e-Learning motivation to transfer and between the factors generated meaningful paths base on on the theories. In the end of this study also provide some suggestions for organizational e-Learning operators and future researchers.



遷移動機, 數位學習, 影響因素, motivation to transfer, e-learning, effect factors





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