Based on the integration of vocational values of Super with Theory of Types of Holland, psychosocial developmental theory of Erikson and the analysis of related research, the researcher developed the questionnaire, “questionnaire on the factors of occupational selection for vocational high school students,” which investigated how much the affecting factors influenced occupation selection for high school students and the difference among all the factors. Done by the third-grader of vocational high school students in 2009, and selected by means of purposive sampling, the questionnaire got total 496 copies (80.52%) of effective feedback. According to variables such as gender, working experience, future plan, parental education, difference in schools and regional differences, the researcher analyzed the collected data through t-test, one-way ANOVA, the results are as follows. 1. There are 36 affecting factors of the occupational selection for vocational high school students with 7 aspects included. 2. Presently, the aspects which vocational high school students’ value most are stability and security, autonomy and achievement, reward and welfare and they regard working conditions and variables as less important. 3. The differences analyzed according to the background variables in vocational high school students’ all affecting factors of occupational selection are: (1) Females value working environment more than males. (2) Those who choose to go on with their study hold a more positive attitude towards the affecting factors. (3) Those students in the southern region of Taiwan value the interaction of personal relation more. 4. There are 12 items which vocational school students put in first priority. They are arranged in order of mean value: (1) stable salary, (2) working safety,(3) system for leave,(4) working stability without being laid off easily,(5) union organization,(6) system for pension,(7) welfare and bonus,(8) performance bonus,(9) sense of achievement,(10) recognition from others,(11) meeting with personal interest,(12) working hours in accordance with personal routines. In the end, according to the conclusions of the research, the researcher brings forth specific suggestions to schools, industries, and researchers for future study.
Based on the integration of vocational values of Super with Theory of Types of Holland, psychosocial developmental theory of Erikson and the analysis of related research, the researcher developed the questionnaire, “questionnaire on the factors of occupational selection for vocational high school students,” which investigated how much the affecting factors influenced occupation selection for high school students and the difference among all the factors. Done by the third-grader of vocational high school students in 2009, and selected by means of purposive sampling, the questionnaire got total 496 copies (80.52%) of effective feedback. According to variables such as gender, working experience, future plan, parental education, difference in schools and regional differences, the researcher analyzed the collected data through t-test, one-way ANOVA, the results are as follows. 1. There are 36 affecting factors of the occupational selection for vocational high school students with 7 aspects included. 2. Presently, the aspects which vocational high school students’ value most are stability and security, autonomy and achievement, reward and welfare and they regard working conditions and variables as less important. 3. The differences analyzed according to the background variables in vocational high school students’ all affecting factors of occupational selection are: (1) Females value working environment more than males. (2) Those who choose to go on with their study hold a more positive attitude towards the affecting factors. (3) Those students in the southern region of Taiwan value the interaction of personal relation more. 4. There are 12 items which vocational school students put in first priority. They are arranged in order of mean value: (1) stable salary, (2) working safety,(3) system for leave,(4) working stability without being laid off easily,(5) union organization,(6) system for pension,(7) welfare and bonus,(8) performance bonus,(9) sense of achievement,(10) recognition from others,(11) meeting with personal interest,(12) working hours in accordance with personal routines. In the end, according to the conclusions of the research, the researcher brings forth specific suggestions to schools, industries, and researchers for future study.
職業價值觀, 職業選擇因素, 職業輔導, vocational value, affecting factors on occupational selection, vocational counseling