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本研究旨在探究汽車技術實作課程應用「認知學徒制」教學方法,對 學生學習歷程及學習表現的影響,並進一步提出「認知學徒制」用於技術 課程教學之建議。本研究之目的包括探討:認知學徒制教學對學生汽車技 術能力學習表現之影響、認知學徒制教學對學生汽車技術專業知識學習的 影響、學生在認知學徒制教學的學習歷程。本研究之對象計有 20位車輛專 長大學生,隨機分 派 實驗組及控制組各 10位學生,分別實施認知學徒制教學方法與傳統教學方法之實驗教學,並以 前測、後測及 深度訪談瞭解學生的學習歷程及其對認知學徒制的看法。經由資料分結果,本研究提出的結論如下:實驗組在起動系統、進氣系統、點火系統、燃油系統及整體檢修能力等方面的技術能力顯著高於控制組;汽車專業知識與檢修技術能力之關係密不可分,學生具備各元件、電路圖及各系統等專業知識者,有助於發展汽車故障檢修能力;認知學徒制之學生於講授示範、指導協助、汽車故障檢修等學習歷程中,經質性分析得到 20項主題,此 20項主題對汽車修護技能學具重要性;本研究發展一套有助於汽車技術學習的實作課程教學模式及流程,有助於技術實作課程之發展與推廣。
The study aimed to explore the effects of applying cognitive apprenticeship in automobile technology practical curriculums, and also to propose some advices of this teaching method in line with the results. The purposes of the present study included revealing the learning effects on skill performance, knowledge acquirement, and the learning processes when the participants were applying cognitive apprenticeship in automobile technology practice. Twenty college students majored in automobile technology were randomized and distributed to the experimental and control group equally. The participants took part in the automobile technology practical curriculums which executed either cognitive apprenticeship or conventional shadowing. The in-depth interview was conducted to understand their learning processes and perception. The results show that the learning outcomes of the experimental group (e.g. starting system, intake system, ignition system, fuel system, and troubleshooting) was significantly better than the control group. There are inseparable relations between the development of domain knowledge and troubleshooting ability. That is, the participants who have basic domain knowledge of components, circuit diagram, and automobile systems would help them to enhance their troubleshooting ability. The main stages of cognitive apprenticeship are lecturing, instructions, and practices. Moreover, the present study concluded 20 sub-activities based on the qualitative data. The suggested teaching models of cognitive apprenticeship in practical curriculums were developed to ensure the quality of skill learning.



認知學徒制, 汽車技術, 實作課程, 合作學習, Cognitive Apprenticeship, Automobile Technology, Practice Lessons, Cooperative Learning





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