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本研究旨在建構台北市健康城市之新指標。研究採用德懷術研究法及分析層級程序法,以台北市健康城市現行指標及世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)健康城市國際指標為基礎,參考文獻後經由焦點團體訪談及專家效度會議,擬出指標草案,並在22位健康城市、高齡友善、安全社區及健康促進相關領域專長的專家協助下,完成三回合德懷術問卷調查,建構具共識性的台北市健康城市新指標。並經由分析層級程序法建構各指標構面之相對權重及序位。本研究主要結果如下: 一、台北市健康城市之新指標包含七大構面,依序為:健康指標、健康服務指標、環境指標、社會經濟指標、高齡友善指標、安全社區指標、教育文化指標。 二、健康指標、健康服務指標、環境指標及社會經濟指標等四個構面下分國際及本土次面向。高齡友善指標、安全社區指標、教育文化指標等三個構面下未分次面向。 三、七大構面共65項指標。依序分別為7項健康指標(國際指標:3項,本土指標:4項)、12項健康服務指標(國際指標:5項,本土指標:7項)、15項環境指標(國際指標:7項,本土指標:8項)、9項社會經濟指標(國際指標:4項,本土指標:5項)、10項高齡友善指標、8項安全社區指標及4項教育文化指標。 四、七大構面間之相對權重值,依重要性排序第一位為健康指標(27.0%),餘依序分別為環境指標(24.4%)、安全社區指標(13.1%)、健康服務指標(11.7%)、社會經濟指標(9.6%)、高齡友善指標(8.4%)、教育文化指標(5.7%)。 依據結論,提供運用「台北市健康城市之新指標」於市政實務工作和未來研究方面的各項建議。
The main purpose of this study was to construct healthy city new indicators in Taipei city. Based on the healthy city current indicators in Taipei city and the healthy city indicators developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), the study was conducted with the help of 22 experts in the field of healthy cities, age-friendly city, safe community and health promotion. Three rounds of Delphi method were used to build a consensus of the healthy city new indicators in Taipei city. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was applied to determine the relative weights of seven dimensions. The main results of this study were as follows: 1.The indicators were divided into seven main dimensions: health indicators, health services indicators, environmental indicators, socio-economic indicators, age-friendly indicators, safety community indicators, educational and cultural indicators. 2.Health indicators, health services indicators, environmental indicators and socio-economic indicators were divided into international and local indicators respectively. Age-friendly indicators, safety community indicators, educational and cultural indicators were not. 3.Including a total of 65 indicators, they were : 7 health indicators (3 international indicators and 4 local indicators), 12 health service indicators (5 international indicators and 7 local indicators), 15 environmental indicators (7 international indicators and 8 local indicators), 9 socioeconomic indicators (4 international indicators and 5 local indicators), 10 age-friendly indicators, 8 safety community indicators, 4 educational and cultural indicators. 4.According to the relative weight values of the seven main dimensions, the order was: the health indicators (27.0%), the environmental indicators (24.4%), the safety community indicators (13.1%), the health service indicators (11.7%), socioeconomic indicators (9.6%), age-friendly indicators (8.4%), educational and cultural indicators (5.7%). According to the conclusion, suggestions on the use of “Healthy City New Indicators in Taipei City” for practical work in the municipal government and future research were provided.



健康城市, 高齡友善城市, 安全社區, 指標, healthy city, age-friendly city, safe community, indicators





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