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近來,行動應用程式改變使用者獲取資訊的模式,主辦單位開始投資展覽行動應用程式,也成為參觀者取得資訊的重要管道。這當中,因為產業界及政府多方投入,電腦展行動應用程式逐漸成為展覽行動應用程式開發的代表性軟體,而電腦展行動應用程式資訊服務取決於使用者需求。目前國內對於探討展覽行動應用程式資訊需求的相關研究並不多,聚焦於電腦展行動應用程式的研究更少。因此,本研究旨在探討使用者對電腦展行動應用程式的資訊需求。以「內容分析法」觀察 10 個電腦展展覽行動應用程式所提供的資訊服務內容,另外透過「網路問卷調查法」調查 513名曾看過電腦展的台灣民眾,藉以瞭解使用者對電腦展展覽行動應用程式資訊服務需求及差異情形。本研究結果發現,目前電腦展展覽行動應用程式資訊服務在資訊功能及資訊內容各項目的提供仍不足。而使用者對於資訊功能與資訊內容的各類別皆有中高程度需求。由此可知,電腦展展覽行動應用程式資訊服務的現況與使用者的需求之間有很大的落差。因此,本研究建議,電腦展展覽行動應用程式資訊服務應加強資訊功能各項目的服務,並強化資訊內容之「周邊環境資訊」及「輔助資訊」的提供。
Recently, APP has changed the way which users get the information, exhibition organizers started to invest exhibition mobile applications to increase the richness and service, and exhibition applications has become the important way for visitors to get the information. Due to the investment by industries and government, APP is becoming a representative exhibition APP, and APP’s information services depend on the needs of users. At present, research for the exhibition to study the information needs of APP is less. This study was aimed at investigating information needs of computer APP for users. In order to understand the current provision of computer exhibition information services, content analysis is used to observe 10 sampled computer exhibition Apps. To understand users' needs with computer exhibition App, an Internet questionnaire survey is applied to question 513 Taiwanese people who currently live in Taiwan and have seen computer exhibition. The study found that the provided information services of computer exhibition App both in information content and information functions are shortage. Second, users are at medium or high levels of requirements for these two dimensions. Apparently, there is still disparity between users' needs and the information provision of computer exhibition App. We suggest that it is necessary for computer exhibition App to enhance the provision of both: all included items of "information functions" and the aid information and surrounding information of "information contents".



電腦展, 展覽行動應用程式, 使用者資訊需求, Computer exhibition, Exhibition applications, User’s information needs

