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探討中國龍文化之歷史源流:一、龍之源:「圖騰」與「真龍」,從「龍」象形字形、典籍「龍」之探討,如:史記、左傳、說文解字、……。二、龍與繪畫:帛畫,與史上擅畫龍者:如:曹不興、吳道子、藍蔭鼎、……。 三、龍與元宵節:元宵節「賞燈」與「舞龍」風俗之由來。𪹚龍活動已實施24年,每年於玉清宮前廣場舉行,邀集各鄉里機關學校共襄盛舉,期待扎根,永續經營,保存客家傳統之地方文化,發揚國際。苗栗𪹚(ㄅㄤˋ)龍文化七部曲:(一)糊龍:把桂竹削成竹篾,用鐵絲將其纏繞固定編成龍軀體,蓋上龍皮(布),畫上龍鱗。(二)牽龍:設立「龍神壇」,行「牽龍安座」儀式。(三)點睛:用白雄雞冠血點於龍眼上表示有神靈!(四)迎龍:歡「迎」神龍登門參拜與「舞」龍歡慶元宵節!(五)跈(ㄊㄣ)龍:「跈」是跟隨之意。跟隨龍陣,帶來平安吉祥!(六)𪹚(ㄅㄤˋ)龍:「𪹚」是炸之意。燃放鞭炮炸龍,有驅邪納吉之意!(七)化龍返天:於土地公廟「謝神化龍」,象徵功德圓滿!創作系列,筆者擇取童年印象較深刻,或較具意義之活動,如:雙龍搶珠、龍門陣、化龍返天、……組成繪畫主題。自創詩詞與對聯,並仿道教法印設計圖案,增添𪹚龍文化色彩,亦發展出「彩色書法」;指導教授程代勒教授書畫同源文字畫之現代書法啟發靈感,創作文字結合繪畫之活潑有趣作品。關鍵字:苗栗𪹚龍、中國龍文化、現代書法、文字畫、彩色書法
This study aimed to explore the historical origin of Chinese dragon culture in the following ways: (1) The origin of dragons was traced in terms of two aspects: “totems” and “real dragons” with a focus on the pictographs and canonical texts of dragons, such as Records of the Grand Historian (Shiji), The Spring and Autumn Annals (Zuozhuan), and Analytical Dictionary of Characters. (2) The relationship between dragons and paintings was addressed with a focus on silk paintings and the historical figures such as Ts'ao Pu-hsing, Wu Tao-tse, and Ran In-ting who excelled at painting dragons. (3) The relationship between dragons and the Lantern Festival was addressed with a focus on the origin of the customs of watching lanterns and performing the Dragon Dance in this festival. The Bombing Dragon Cultural Event has been held annually at the square in front of the Yuqing Temple for the past 24 years, with all local authorities and school staff invited to jointly celebrate. It is desirable for this event to becontinued as a permanent event as it will not only maintain the traditional local culture of the Hakka people but also help bring it to the international arena.The Bombing Dragon culture of Miaoli comprises seven scenes: (1) the “Making the Dragon” part. (2) the “Inviting the Dragon” scene. (3) the “Dottingthe Dragon's Eyes” scene. (4) the “Welcoming the Dragon” scene. (5) the “Walking with the Dragon” scene. (6) the “Bombing of the Dragon” scene. (7) the “Sending the Dragon back to the Heaven” scene. In the creation series, the author generated her painting theme by choosing impressive or meaningful activities from his childhood such as Two Dragons Playing with a Pearl, Dragon Formation, Dragon Gate, and Burning the Dragon to the Heaven. The author created his own poems and couplets, and designed Taoist seal-like patterns, not only enriching the connotation of the Bombing Dragon culture, but also developing a sort of color calligraphy. Moreover, vivid and interesting works by advisor Cheng Tai-le that combined words and paintings were presented to illustrate the inspiration of the Chinese art theory of “common origin of calligraphy and word painting on modern calligraphy.Keywords: Miaoli Bombing Dragonnone, Chinese dragon culture, modern calligraphy, word painting, color calligraphy



苗栗𪹚龍, 中國龍文化, 現代書法, 文字畫, 彩色書法, Miaoli Bombing Dragonnone, Chinese dragon culture, modern calligraphy, word painting, color calligraphy





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