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本研究試圖探討「員工知覺主管領導風格」與「獎勵機制」,何者對於員工綠色創造力的提升具有顯著影響。在本研究中,員工知覺主管領導風格分為不當督導、真誠領導兩種類型,而獎勵機制分為外在財務性獎勵、內在工作關聯獎勵兩種類型。 以全台最大人資社群之成員為研究對象,其中排除未曾在企業中貢獻過綠色創造力之員工,資料蒐集方式以網路問卷調查方式進行,總共回收193份問卷,並以篩選題選出實際上貢獻過綠色創造力之員工填寫的問卷,共選出127份作為研究樣本,接著利用敘述性統計、項目分析、信度分析、效度分析、差異分析、相關分析、迴歸分析等統計方法進行研究探討。 研究顯示真誠領導對員工綠色創造力無顯著影響,不當督導的領導方式對員工綠色創造力也無顯著影響,而外在財務性獎勵對員工綠色創造力具正向影響,內在工作關聯獎勵的應用也能提升員工綠色創造力。故本研究指出,若要提升台灣員工的綠色創造力,可聚焦於提供外在財務性獎勵及內在工作關聯獎勵。
This study tried to explore the employee perceived leadership styles and reward mechanisms, which had a significant impact on employee green creativity. In this study, employee perceived leadership styles were divided into two types: abusive supervision and authentic leadership, and the reward mechanism were divided into two types: extrinsic financial rewards and intrinsic work-related rewards. The study distributed internet questionnaires to members of HRFriday which is the largest human resource community in Taiwan. Besides, employees who had not contributed to employee green creativity are excluded from this study. Finally, this study obtained 193 questionnaires, including 127 valid questionnaires. The study discussed by statistical analysis, item analysis, reliability analysis, validity analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, analysis of variance, and T-test. The results showed that employee perceived leadership styles had no significant impact on employee green creativity. Extrinsic financial rewards and intrinsic work-related rewards had a positive impact on employee green creativity. Therefore, this study asserted that if companies want to improve green creativity of Taiwanese employees, companies should provide extrinsic financial rewards and intrinsic work-related rewards.



不當督導, 真誠領導, 外在財務性獎勵, 內在工作關聯獎勵, 員工綠色創造力, abusive supervision, authentic leadership, extrinsic financial rewards, intrinsic work-related rewards, employee green creativity





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