

本研究旨在探討網路學習環境中,不同多媒體呈現方式及學習風格的不同,對學生英語學習成就的影響。研究以「網頁文字+圖片」、「網頁文字+聲音」及「網頁文字+互動」作為不同的多媒體呈現方式。學習風格以「視覺偏好」、「聽覺偏好」與「動覺偏好」之學習風格來探討。 本研究目的如下: 一、探討網路多媒體呈現方式,對英語學習成就的影響。 二、探討學習者學習風格的不同,對英語學習成就的影響。 三、探討不同網路多媒體呈現方式與學習者學習風格,對英語學習成就的交互影響。 本研究實驗採準實驗方法設計,以何嘉仁文教機構Step Ahead第四級的學生為研究對象,有效的實驗對象共有196人。研究工具為「學習風格量表」、「起點能力測驗」、「英語學習成就測驗」及研究者編寫與設計的教學實驗網站。 在實施教學實驗進行之前施行起點能力測驗,再進行學習風格量表,將受測學生分成「視覺偏好」、「聽覺偏好」與「動覺偏好」之學習風格,並且隨機分配到「網頁文字+圖片」、「網頁文字+聲音」或「網頁文字+互動」多媒體呈現方式的組別中。教學實驗完成後立即進行英語成就測驗。經收集相關資料後,以二因子變異數分析及Scheffé Method進行資料分析後發現: 一、網路多媒體呈現方式,對學生的英語學習成就有顯著影響。 二、學習風格,對學生的英語學習成就無顯著影響。 三、網路多媒體呈現方式與學習風格,對學生的英語學習成就有交互影響。之後進行單純主要效果分析來檢定組間的差異。 (一)學習風格 1.以視覺學習風格偏好學習者來說,實施「網頁文字+聲音」多媒體教材在英語學習成就是最差的。 2.以聽覺學習風格偏好學習者來說,實施「網頁文字+圖片」、「網頁文字+聲音」及「網頁文字+互動」多媒體教材在英語學習成就上皆無顯著的差異。 3.以動覺學習風格偏好學習者來說,實施「網頁文字+互動」多媒體教材在英語學習成就是最好的。 (二)網路多媒體呈現方式 1.實施「網頁文字+圖片」多媒體教材以「視覺偏好」的學習者有最佳的英語學習成就。 2.實施「網頁文字+聲音」多媒體教材以「視覺偏好」的學習者有較差的英語學習成就。 3.實施「網頁文字+互動」多媒體教材以「動覺偏好」的學習者有最佳的英語學習成就。
The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of differential multimedia presentation modes and learning styles on English learning achievements of Hess Language School students in a web-based learning environment. The purposes of the study were the followings: 1. To explore the effects of multimedia presentation modes on the students’ English learning achievements. 2. To investigate the effects of the differences between learning styles of students on the students’ English learning achievements. 3. To explore the interactions between differential multimedia presentation modes and learning styles on the students’ English learning achievements. The multimedia presentation mode was divided into three types: "hypertext + graphics", "hypertext + sound" and "hypertext + interaction". The learning style was divided into three types: "Visual", "Auditory" and "Kinesthetic". Four types of instruments were used to collect data pertinent to the study. The instruments of the study included the "The Learning Channel Preference Checklist, LCPC ", English prerequisite test, English learning achievement test and the web-based multimedia learning materials. Quasi-experimental design was used for the study. 196 students of Hess language school were selected to be valid subjects. Before the experiment, the subjects received English prerequisite test. The subjects were classified into visual, auditory and kinesthetic based on their LCPC scores. Then the subjects were randomly assigned to three different types of multimedia presentation modes based on their learning styles. After the experiment, the subjects received English learning achievement test. Two-way ANOVA and Scheffé Method were used to analyze experimental data. Results of this study were listed as the followings: 1.There was significant difference on students’ English learning achievements scores between different multimedia presentation modes. 2. The students with different learning styles, "Visual", "Auditory" and "Kinesthetic", were no significantly different on their English learning achievements scores. 3. There was an interaction between differential multimedia presentation modes and learning styles on students’ English learning achievements. (1) learning styles a. In the visual group, Students’ English learning achievements mean score of "hypertext + sound" was the lowest. b. In the auditory group, Students’ English learning achievements mean scores of three different multimedia presentation modes were not significant differences. c. In the kinesthetic group, Students’ English learning achievements mean score of "hypertext + interaction" was the highest. (2) multimedia presentation modes a. In the group of "hypertext + graphics", the visual learners’ English learning achievements mean socre was the highest. b. In the group of "hypertext + sound", the visual learners’ English learning achievements mean score was the lowest. c. In the group of "hypertext + interaction", the kinesthetic learners’ English learning achievements mean score was the highest.



網路學習, 多媒體呈現方式, 學習風格, 英語學習成就, 英語學習, web-based learning, multimedia presentation modes, learning styles, English learning achievements, English learning





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