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The study aimed to examine the relationships among psychological and relationship adjustment, differentiation of self, and life satisfaction among young adults in Taiwan. The role of differentiation of self as the mediators of the relationship between psychological adjustment and relationship adjustment, as well as the relationship between psychological adjustment and life satisfaction were examined. Participants of the study consisted of 482 aged from twenty to forty, and they completed the study questionnaire including the Chinese version of Differentiation of Self Inventory (C-DSI), Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21 (DASS-21), Rating Scale for Relationship Adjustment, and the brief version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) Taiwan version. Pearson correlation, multiple hierarchical regression, and the mediation analysis were used to analyze data. Results of the study were as follow:1. Differentiation of self is significantly negatively related to psychological adjustment and conflict/ambivalence subscale in relationship adjustment, while it’s also positively related to global satisfaction subscale and autonomous/symbiosis subscale in relationship adjustment, as well as life satisfaction. Psychological adjustment is significantly negatively related to global satisfaction subscale and autonomous/symbiosis subscale in relationship adjustment, as well as life satisfaction, but positively related to conflict/ambivalence part in relationship adjustment.2. Differentiation of self partially mediates the relationship between psychological adjustment and relationship adjustment.3. Differentiation of self partially mediates the relationship between psychological adjustment and life satisfactionThe implications of the findings and suggestions for counseling young adults and future research are discussed.
The study aimed to examine the relationships among psychological and relationship adjustment, differentiation of self, and life satisfaction among young adults in Taiwan. The role of differentiation of self as the mediators of the relationship between psychological adjustment and relationship adjustment, as well as the relationship between psychological adjustment and life satisfaction were examined. Participants of the study consisted of 482 aged from twenty to forty, and they completed the study questionnaire including the Chinese version of Differentiation of Self Inventory (C-DSI), Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21 (DASS-21), Rating Scale for Relationship Adjustment, and the brief version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) Taiwan version. Pearson correlation, multiple hierarchical regression, and the mediation analysis were used to analyze data. Results of the study were as follow:1. Differentiation of self is significantly negatively related to psychological adjustment and conflict/ambivalence subscale in relationship adjustment, while it’s also positively related to global satisfaction subscale and autonomous/symbiosis subscale in relationship adjustment, as well as life satisfaction. Psychological adjustment is significantly negatively related to global satisfaction subscale and autonomous/symbiosis subscale in relationship adjustment, as well as life satisfaction, but positively related to conflict/ambivalence part in relationship adjustment.2. Differentiation of self partially mediates the relationship between psychological adjustment and relationship adjustment.3. Differentiation of self partially mediates the relationship between psychological adjustment and life satisfactionThe implications of the findings and suggestions for counseling young adults and future research are discussed.
自我分化, 身心適應, 關係適應, 生活滿意度, 成年早期, differentiation of self, psychological adjustment, relationship adjustment, life satisfaction, young adult