
dc.contributorLiu, Yeu-Tingen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究探討第二語英語學習者在不同電子書的閱讀線索情境(不同組合之宏觀與微觀閱讀線索)及不同數位閱讀內容呈現模式(同步或逐步內容呈現)下的閱讀理解表現。八十一位中高級英語程度的大學生隨機被分派到四個不同的閱讀線索情境:(1) 影片;(2) 影片+第二語文字註釋;(3) 影片+第二語圖像註釋;(4) 影片+第二語語音註釋。這四組學生分別在兩個不同的數位內容呈現模式下完成一個電子書閱讀任務。為了評量閱讀成效,所有受試者在電子書閱讀任務結束後填寫一份閱讀理解測驗。測驗結束後,研究者對每位受試者進行簡短的訪談。研究者針對受試者閱讀測驗的回答進行二因子變異數的量化分析,並將訪談所獲取之受試者閱讀經驗和過程整理成質化資料,用於交叉比較量化資料分析的結果。 量化研究結果顯示,閱讀線索和數位閱讀內容呈現模式並無顯著交互作用,表示這兩個因素對於受試者的閱讀理解有著「獨立」且顯著的影響。首先,就數位閱讀內容呈現模式的獨立影響來說,本研究證明不論任何的閱讀線索情境,同步呈現模式比逐步呈現模式更有助於第二語英語閱讀理解。也就是說,數位閱讀內容呈現模式對受試者閱讀理解的影響,並不因為不同的閱讀線索情境而有太大 差異。第二,就閱讀線索的獨立影響來說,本研究顯示不論在哪一種數位內容呈現模式下,閱讀線索對於閱讀理解過程皆有顯著影響。在同步和逐步呈現模式下,被分派到「影片」情境的受試者的閱讀理解表現和被分派到其他三個閱讀線索情境的受試者的表現不相上下。此外,若是單就三種宏觀與微觀閱讀線索的組別來分析,被分派到「影片+第二語圖像註釋」和「影片+第二語文字註釋」情境的兩組受試者閱讀理解表現皆是最好,而且這兩種閱讀線索對閱讀表現的助益不相上下。值得注意的是,統計分析顯示被分派到「影片+第二語語音註釋」情境的受試者閱讀表現相較被分派到「影片+第二語文字註釋」及「影片+第二語圖像註釋」情境的兩組受試者還要差。質化分析訪談內容大致上驗證量化分析的結果。訪談結果指出,被分派到「影片+第二語圖像註釋」及「影片+第二語文字註釋」的受試者中,高達九成認為閱讀線索有助於理解電子書的內容。有八成被分派到「影片」情境的受試者認為閱讀線索有助於閱讀理解。然而,只有三成被分派到「影片+第二語語音註釋」情境的受試者表示該閱讀線索的組合有助於理解電子書中的內容。綜合量化和質化資料分析的結果,受試者的閱讀理解表現由好到壞依序為:「影片+第二語圖像註釋」=「影片+第二語文字註釋」>「影片」>「影片+第二語語音註釋」。本研究最後提出影片為主之動態電子書設計對第二語理論和教學上的啟示,以及未來進行相關研究的建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study investigates L2 English readers’ comprehension outcomes after they read a video-based e-book with different design and presentation. 81 L2 high-intermediate English learners were subjected to a self-paced reading task in which they read a video-based e-book with one of the four reading cues conditions: (1) video only; (2) video + L2 gloss; (3) video + L2 pictographic gloss; and (4) video + auditory gloss under either simultaneous (SM) or sequential (SQ) digital input presentation mode. A reading comprehension posttest was administered to measure the participants’ L2 reading comprehension, followed by a post-study interview with each participant. The comprehension test scores were analyzed quantitatively using two-way ANOVA (2×4). And the interview data were analyzed qualitatively. Quantitative results revealed that there was no significant interaction effect for reading cues and digital input presentation modes, suggesting that these two factors had a separate and significant effect on the participants’ reading comprehension. Regarding the separate effect of digital input presentation mode for L2 video-based e-books, the results showed that irrespective of the four types of reading cues conditions, the participants under the simultaneous digital input presentation mode significantly outperformed those assigned to read the e-book under the sequential digital input presentation mode. With respect to the effects of the reading cues, relative efficacy of the four types of reading cues on L2 reading comprehension were similar under the two digital input presentation modes. Specifically, under both the SM and SQ modes, the participants who read the video-based e-book with the “video only” design had comparable reading comprehension performance with those who read the e-book with the other three types of reading cues design. In addition, when compared the three macro- and micro-level reading cues combinations, it was found that the participants exhibited the best reading performance under the “video + L2 pictographic gloss” and the “videos + L2 gloss” conditions. And the participants’ performance under these two conditions was comparable. On the other hand, those assigned to read the e-book with the “video + L2 auditory gloss” design had the worst reading comprehension performance; their performance was significantly lower than those assigned to read under the “video + L2 pictographic gloss” and the “video + L2 gloss” conditions. Qualitative analysis of the post-study interview data generally confirmed the quantitative analysis of the reading comprehension test scores. The qualitative analysis revealed that 90 % of those who received the “video + L2 pictographic gloss” and “video + L2 gloss” treatments expressed positive views on the reading cues. And 80 % of the participants under the “video only” condition considered the reading cue to be beneficial to their comprehension. Nevertheless, only 30 % of those assigned to the “video + L2 auditory gloss” condition agreed that the reading cues were conducive to their reading comprehension. Based on both the quantitative and qualitative analyses, the relative efficacy of the four reading cues from the highest to the lowest was: “video + L2 pictographic gloss” = “video + L2 gloss” > “video only” > “video + L2 auditory gloss.” Finally, theoretical and pedagogical implications, along with directions for future research, are discussed.en_US
dc.subjectvideo-based e-book designen_US
dc.subjectsecond language readingen_US
dc.subjectdigital input presentation modeen_US
dc.subjectreading cuesen_US
dc.titleEffects of Video-Based E-book Design and Presentation on L2 English Reading Comprehensionen_US

