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本研究的目的是幫助來到台灣的韓國人,學習在臺北的日常生活中,能夠用華語跟當地人交流溝通,提升在台生活適應能力。但是就韓國而言,現有的資源很難找到以繁體字編寫的華語教材或很難學習到在台灣所使用的華語,因為在韓國大多數的教材是以簡體字編纂的。而且,老師大多為在中國留學過的韓國人,或是中國籍老師。因此,瞭解台灣真實的生活情況之老師甚少。隨著學習華語需求的多樣化,學習華語的教學也變得更加多元。但是,學習需求的實際情況與需求供應並不對等,授課的類別不能完全滿足到學習需求。如果學習者想學習台灣式的華語,需要具有針對性的教材編寫。另外,本研究教學對象為在台韓國人,多為韓籍配偶,一般語言中心的華語課程主要是針對留學生的中文學習,難以滿足他們學習華語的需求。因此,本研究依據H. Douglas Brown (2007) 的「第二語言課程設計框架」進行在台韓籍人士生活華語教材編寫研究,並以所編的教材實際進行教學。首先針對居住在台北的非留(遊)學生韓國籍華語學習者,通過問卷調查瞭解他們的華語學習需求。此外,還根據華語學習需要製作生活實用教材,並設計教學。該教材總共設計五課,並且在每一節課設計兩種以上的互動對話。經過實際教學,進行為期六週的華語課,最後評估學習者的滿意度。
This study aimed to help South Koreans in Taiwan, specifically in Taipei, learn daily conversational Mandarin, thereby facilitating their communication with local people and improving their adaptability to life in Taiwan. However, commercially available Mandarin textbooks in South Korea are mostly printed in simplified Chinese characters and rarely in traditional Chinese characters, which makes learning Taiwanese Mandarin challenging. Moreover, the majority of Mandarin teachers in South Korea are Koreans who have studied in China or are of Chinese nationality. Very few Mandarin teachers in South Korea under-stand the living conditions in Taiwan. Following the increasing demand for learning Manda-rin, methods for teaching Mandarin have also diversified. However, an imbalance exists be-tween the actual learning need and teaching pedagogy, and the currently available teaching resources fail to fully meet the existing learning needs. If South Korean learners want to learn Taiwanese Mandarin, exclusively compiled textbooks must be used.Mandarin learners discussed in this study were South Koreans in Taiwan, most of whom were South Korean spouses married to Taiwanese people. The majority of Mandarin courses offered by language centers target international students in Taiwan, which fails to satisfy the needs of these foreign spouses to learn conversational Mandarin. Using the Second language curriculum development process by H. Douglas Brown (2007), this study discussed the use of a teaching material compiled for South Koreans in Taiwan to teach Mandarin. First, a questionnaire survey was administered with Mandarin learners who were non-student Kore-ans living in Taipei to understand their learning needs. To address their learning needs, this study not only produced practical teaching materials that reflect real-life situations but also designed a curriculum. The teaching material comprised a total of five lessons, and two or more interactive dialogues were taught in each teaching session. After 6 weeks of Mandarin classes, learners’ satisfaction was evaluated.



生活華語, 教材編寫, 韓籍學習者, 需求分析, 任務型教學, daily conversational Mandarin, textbook compilation, South Korean learners, demand analysis, Task-Based Language Teaching

