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Immanuel Kant(1724 – 1804)被視為啟蒙時期以來最後一位哲學家,其對於當代的思想銜接與理論彌合,具有無可取代的影響地位,同時,更影響後世諸多思想流派與重要思想家。而Kant美學不僅係美學領域的時代里程碑,其與藝術、文學和道德哲學的連結,更是受到各界的關注與研究。本研究透過結合理論與實務,以理論分析與半結構式訪談等研究方法,旨在探討Kant美學中所論「美是道德的象徵」之意涵,並藉由該觀點連結體制外學習組織―曠野藝類大學的美學課程經驗,進而闡釋美作為道德象徵對教育現場的蘊義及其可能性。通過探討Kant對於審美判斷的觀點,本研究發現「美是道德的象徵」的內涵所建構成的思考圖像:主體先藉由對審美判斷的原則進行反思,再歸納反思之結果並連結美與道德的相似性關係,進而以此反思統合的原則,針對道德具有的原則進行反思。其中,反思的結果可初步歸納為自由與謙遜原則。而Kant對於美作為道德象徵的圖像可從曠野藝類大學的美學課程中,獲得實踐的機會。進行該美學課程教學的林教師能根據自身的專業背景、生命經歷、美學觀點,反思其對於美學課程的設計、教學與實踐之情形,並視教師的美學立場為教學的道德倫理,以更自由、謙卑和感性的層次,與學生討論互動,從而達到共善、共美、共好的成長過程。歸納Kant論「美是道德的象徵」意涵以及在曠野藝類大學的實踐經驗,本研究尋繹其中的意義在於實踐者美學式的反思,並能根據反思所獲之自由、謙遜和尊敬等概念,付諸於道德層面的實踐。對於實踐者自身,可作為素養陶養的來源;對於學習者,亦可以潛移默化的薰習,使其看見自身存在的尊嚴與價值。
The purpose of this study is to explore Kant’s thoughts on “Beauty as the symbol of Morality” and its possible implication for aesthetic and moral education. In order to understand his theoretical framework deeply, this study starts with a brief sketch of his background and the intellectual development of philosophy in Prussia. Secondly, this study discusses how Kant’s critical philosophy is formed, including critique of pure reason, critique of practical reason and critique of the power judgment. Next, this study is concentrated on the main content of Kant’s aesthetic and moral theory, which is based on a priori synthetic proposition, and what the “beauty as the symbol of morality” means. Finally, this study is combined the discussion mentioned above with the teaching experiences of Wildness Art+ University and uses it to analyze the practical possibility of beauty as the symbol of morality.The conclusions of this study are as follows:First, the meaning of “beauty as the symbol of morality” is that the subjective needs to make reflections by the aesthetic rules, then connecting the results to the moral rules which is roughly similar to the former one.Second, the results of aesthetic reflection can be induced into two main elements: freedom and modesty. The former rule is relevant to the attitude when the subjectivity faces different situations and helps to understand the meaning of “human in the individual are ends”. The latter can replenish the insufficient of the freedom rule, and take respect into consideration.Third, the concept of Kant’s beauty as the symbol of morality can be possibly taken into practice, especially in the aesthetic courses of Wildness Art+ University. It takes freedom, modesty, creativity, cooperation and love as their important teaching and learning rules. And these rules are based on the concept of arts, poems, literature and philosophy. Besides, the instructor, Ms. Lin, needs to combine the rules above with reflection and view her own aesthetic perspective as self-teaching morality and practice.Forth, the instructor needs to cultivate his or her aesthetic attitude, which is related to freedom and modesty. And learners are vice versa. Thus, the instructor and learners of the course can achieve the common good and beautiful atmosphere for each other.Finally, combined with Kant’s theory and the experiences of Wildness Art+ University, the educational system could use this kind of attitude which according to the reflection as the possible way to teach and learn what true aesthetics and morality are. For the instructor, this is the source of cultivating self-morality and attitude in beauty, and for the learners, it also can help them to understand their dignities and self-values.



康德美學, 審美判斷, 道德哲學, 定言令式, 曠野藝類大學, Kant's aesthetics theory and moral philosophy, judgment of taste, categorical imperative, beauty as the symbol of morality, Wilderness Art+ University





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