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中文摘要 本研究以參與「全國高職學生技術創造力培訓與競賽活動」指導教師為對象,旨在探究參與活動之教師對創造力教育之觀點,研究目的:一、探討指導教師對學生參與本活動之觀點;二、探討指導教師培訓參賽學生之過程內涵;三、探討指導教師對創造力評量之觀點;四、探討指導教師將創造力教育於班級教學之運用與學生回饋。 研究採調查研究法,研究工具為自編「全國高職學生技術創造力培訓與競賽活動指導教師對啟發創造力教育觀點」問卷,本問卷經專家會議,項目分析、信效度分析後編製正式問卷,以電子郵件方式寄送100份問卷,回收有效問卷74份。資料處理方式為:描述統計,獨立樣本t考驗,單因子變異數分析;研究結果: 一、指導教師性別以男性居多,學歷半數以上為碩士,任教職年資涵蓋1-25年各階段且學校支持師生參與本活動。二、指導教師認為學生參與本活動對學生創造力啟發及未來發展均有正面助益。三、培訓參賽學生過程中,指導教師會設計與應用具有創意之教材與教法以啟發及提昇學生創造力。四、指導教師對創造力評量之方式與內容有高度共識。五、研究發現,曾參與本活動之教師無論任教學校公私立別、學歷、學校支持態度、任教職年資雖有不同,其對創造力教育之觀點無顯著差異,均願意將創造力教育融入班級教學中,啟發及引導職業學校學生創造力。 最終,研究者依研究結果,針對未來研究方向與創造力競賽辦理單位及創造力教育實務工作者提出建議,俾供參考。
ABSTRACT The study aimed to explore the views of student advisors on creativity education in the national technological creativity contest for vocational high school students. The purposes of the study are as follows: first, to explore the views from student advisors on students participating in the contest; second, to explore how student advisors trained their students before attending the contest; third, to explore the views of student advisors on the assessment of the creativity; forth, to explore student advisors applying the creativity education to their teaching and students’ feedback. The researcher took the survey research method and the research tool questionnaire on “The views of student advisors on creativity education in the national technological creativity contest for vocational high school students”. After discussion with professionals, item analysis, reliability and validity analysis, the formal questionnaire was made and sent by e-mail to each advisor. After all these, the researcher received 74 questionnaires feedback. The data was processed by descriptive statistics, independent sample T tests and one-way ANOVA. After analysis of the data, the findings are as follows: First, the gender of student advisors is mostly male and more than half of those have master degrees and their teaching experiences ranged from 1 to 25 years. Besides, their schools hold positive attitude toward this contest. Second, student advisors assumed students participating in this contest all receive the positive benefit for the inspiration of the creativity and their future development. Third, after training, student advisors would design and apply the creative materials and ways to inspire and increase the creativity. Forth, student advisors have high consensuses regarding the methods and contents of the assessment of the creativity. Fifth, the teachers who had attended the contest were willing to apply the creativity education to their teaching activity, inspire and guide the students in vocational high school to develop their creativity skills, no matter they are from public or private high school, different degrees, different attitude from school background, and different teaching experiences. To be concluded, according to the results of the study, the researcher offered some advices for those who will do the future research, such as the organizations holding the creativity contest or the instructors to creativity education.



創造力, 創造力教育, 全國高職學生技術創造力培訓與競賽活動, creativity, creativity education, the technique creativity training and the competition activities for the national senior high vocational school





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