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The primary purpose was to investigate the process of practice for small-group portfolio assessment, and the impact of small-group portfolio assessment on the learning effects of students with instruction of Sport Education Model. Besides, via the discussion among parents, teachers and students, difficulties and suggestions in implementation of small-group portfolio assessment can be found. Action research was employed to a class of 6th graders in Jia Jia Elementary School. And 11-week of Tee ball program was conducted. This practice began with finding of teaching problems, identification of information, and development of action strategies. Small-group portfolio assessment would be blended into teaching, while continuous reflection and revision were carried out throughout the process. Conclusions were: small-group portfolio assessment can, indeed, help students demonstrate their reflection competence. Teachers can also evaluate students’ performance from multiple perspectives. In terms of cognition, students’ understanding of the movement, rules, and tactics of Tee ball game can be enhanced via reflection of learning process. Skills were also improved. The assessment also helped promote team-work bondage. Students enjoyed the game and the popularity of sports was increased among students. As for difficulties encountered when small-group portfolio assessment was implemented, it was discovered that students performed relatively poor with written questions on the worksheets, and the reason might be that students were not asked to have reflection and to transform their reflection into words in PE class in the past. Therefore, it would take somewhat longer period of time for training and cultivation. On the part of teachers, there were problems, like they need more time to correct the worksheets, they can’t give feedback to students immediately, they might get negative feelings from students and parents, and a few students might have low participation. Solutions to them could be done with adjustment of portfolio content, special strategies to encourage students to hand in assignment on time, and students taking care of portfolio in turn. In brief, students, teachers, and parents all considered that the implementation of small-group portfolio assessment was helpful to students’ learning, and could enhance the interaction and communication among parents, teachers, and students.



檔案評量, 行動研究, 體育教學評量, 運動教育模式, 樂樂棒球, portfolio assessment, action research, assessments of physical education, Sport Education Model, Tee ball





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