MARC 21機讀編目格式轉置為BIBFRAME 2.0書目框架格式之研究—以《紅樓夢》印刷文字資料為例

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  身處網際網路蓬勃發展的二十一世紀,圖書館必須要考量如何讓館內所典藏的資源與網際網路接軌,進而透過搜尋系統呈現在使用者眼前,然而,圖書館目前所使用的機讀編目格式MARC 21並沒有辦法做到這一點,為打破圖書館與網際網路的藩籬,BIBFRAME便應運而生。本研究目的為探討MARC 21轉換至BIBFRAME 2.0之過程,並且以臺師大圖書館《紅樓夢》印刷文字資料之書目為範例,分析《紅樓夢》MARC 21書目如何轉檔至BIBFRAME 架構,實體之間如何整併,以及欄位能夠如何調整,以因應將MARC 21格式轉置為BIBFRAME。   本研究採用架構分析方式,以實際書目進行轉檔,依據BIBFRAME 2.0之書目實體框架與《紅樓夢》MARC 21書目欄位的映射,找出可能的實體整併方式。本研究以共計502筆《紅樓夢》印刷文字資料為例,並挑選其中11筆書目作為整併關係的範例。   本研究之結論得出,BIBFRAME是以超作品概念來實施實體整併,並透過一組由作者名稱與作品題名所產生之固定詞彙,以雜湊函數方式生成URI,於不同MARC 21欄位附加上該特定URI來鏈結不同關係的書目,讓書目能夠以Hub的形式整合。LC BIBFRAME資料庫實際上能夠透過整併而自動連結的書目關係,包含原著關係、譯本關係、主題關係,以及相關關係,就本研究所探討之《紅樓夢》書目,四種關係皆可以呈現。整併過程之關鍵為一組具有固定格式的作者名稱與作品題名,故在編目方面,相關欄位的著錄方式與使用詞彙變得更需要具備一致性。   目前國內對於BIBFRAME書目框架格式的探討較為缺乏,期望未來國內圖書館機構能夠嘗試以中文書目資料實際架設BIBFRAME資料庫,探討中文環境下BIBFRAME 2.0的實際操作情形以及需要改善的部分。
  In the 21st century, users are used to using the Internet to obtain information; therefore, librarians must consider how to connect the resources stored in the library with World Wide Web, and present them to users through Internet search engines. However, MARC 21, the machine-readable cataloging format currently used by the library community, cannot achieve that. In order to break the barrier between libraries and World Wide Web, Library of Congress proposes BIBFRAME as a solution to replace MARC 21. The purpose of this study is to explore the process of converting bibliographic records from MARC 21 to BIBFRAME 2.0, using the work of Hong Lou Meng as an example to analyze the process of converting MARC 21 bibliographic records to the BIBFRAME framework, including how to merge entities and how to adjust the MARC fields for converting MARC 21 records to BIBFRAME triples.   This study adopts the method of structural analysis and convert the actual bibliographic records. Based on the mapping between the bibliographic entity framework of BIBFRAME 2.0 and the MARC 21 bibliographic record fields of Hong Lou Meng, this study attempts to find out the possible ways of entity consolidation. This study takes a total of 502 printed text materials of Hong Lou Meng as an example, and selects 11 of them as examples of consolidation relationships.   The conclusion of this study is that BIBFRAME implements entity consolidation based on the concept of super work, and generates URIs in a hash function through a set of fixed vocabularies generated by author names and work titles, and attaches them to different MARC 21 fields. The bibliographic records with different relationships are linked by specific URI, so that the bibliographic records can be integrated by Hub. The bibliographic relationships that can actually be integrated and automatically linked by LC BIBFRAME database includes original relationship, translation elationship, subject relationship, and related relationships. For the Hong Lou Meng bibliographic records discussed in this stdy, four relationships can be presented. The key to the consolidation process is a set of author names and titles of works with a fixed format. Therefore, in terms of cataloging, the description methods and vocabulary of related fields need to be more consistent.   At present, there is still a lack of research on BIBFRAME bibliographic framework in Taiwan. Future research can try to actually build a BIBFRAME database with Chinese bibliographic materials to discuss the actual operation of BIBFRAME 2.0 in the Chinese environment and concrete improvement directions for practice.



書目框架格式, 機讀編目格式, MARC 21, BIBFRAME 2.0, BIBFRAME 2.0, Bibliographic Framework, MARC 21, Machine-Readable Cataloging





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