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本研究旨在探討國民中學教師性別意識及其管教行為之關係,瞭解國民中學教師性別意識的現況,分析教師個人背景變項、學校環境變項對教師性別意識及管教行為的影響,並進行教師性別意識與管教行為的相關分析。 本研究採問卷調查法,進行資料蒐集;研究樣本以苗栗縣公立國民中學(包含縣立完全中學)286位教師為對象;研究工具為「國民中學教師性別意識問卷」及「國民中學教師管教行為問卷」。調查所得資料以SPSS for Windows 15.0版統計軟體程式,經獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、薛費多重比較法及卡方考驗分析以檢驗研究假設。 本研究的主要發現如下: 一、國民中學教師性別角色認知整體上屬較現代、不刻板。 二、國民中學教師性別認同以兩性化為最多。 三、在性別角色認知上,男性教師較女性教師刻板。 四、不同性別、年齡、任教領域及任教區域的國中教師在男性化特質上有顯著差異;但在女性特質上沒有差異。 五、國民中學教師管教行為屬低要求、高反應。 六、未婚教師比已婚教師在管教行為上較常採用要求策略。 七、國民中學教師性別角色認知較刻板者,管教時較易採要求策略。 八、性別角色認知較現代者,管教行為屬冷漠忽視、寬鬆放任;性別角色認知較傳統者,管教行為屬開明權威。 九、兩性化教師在管教行為方面屬開明權威;男性化教師在管教行為方面屬專制權威;女性化教師在管教行為方面屬冷漠忽視、寬鬆放任;未分化教師在管教行為方面屬冷漠忽視。 根據研究結果,提出國民中學教師性別意識及其管教行為方面的建議,以供主管教育行政機關、國民中學、教師以及未來研究之參考。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the gender consciousness of the junior high school teachers and their discipline behaviors. The study aimed to understand the gender consciousnesses of the junior high school teachers and its correlation to the teachers’ discipline behaviors by exploring and analyzing the variables of teachers’ backgrounds, school environments and teachers’ gender consciousnesses. A quantitative questionnaire survey method was mainly applied in this study. The research sample focused onthe teachers of public junior high school teachers in Miaoli County. The subjects of the study included a sample of 286 teachers. The statistical methods including t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheff é method of multiple comparisons, and chi-square test were employed for data analysis. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. The gender consciousnesses of the junior high school teachers appeared to be more flexible and adaptable. 2. The gender consciousnesses of the junior high school teachers were mainly androgynous. 3. As for the gender consciousness, male teachers were more rigid than female teachers. 4. Different genders, ages, teaching subjects and school districts have significant correlation in the gender identity of masculine, whereas there was no correlation in the gender identity of feminine. 5. The discipline behaviors of the junior high school teachers showed the tendency of “low demand and high response.” 6. Single (unmarried) teachers employed more “demand” strategy than married teachers. 7. Those junior high school teachers whose gender consciousness was rigid more likely employed the “demand” strategy. 8. The discipline style of the teachers whose gender consciousness was more flexible showed the inclination of neglect and indulgence. However, for those teachers whose gender consciousness was more conservative, their discipline behavior appeared to be more liberal and authoritative. 9. In terms of the discipline behaviors, the androgynous teachers were authoritative; masculine teachers showed the inclination of authoritarian; feminine teachers appeared to be indulgent and neglected and undifferentiated teachers inclined to neglect. Based on the above findings, this study provided useful suggestions and insightful implications for junior high schools, school administrators, in-service teachers and educational researchers.



性別角色認知, 性別認同, 性別意識, 管教行為, gender consciousness, discipline behaviors, gender role, gender identity





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