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在資訊與傳播科技不斷演進、法規逐年解禁以及全球化思潮的衝擊下,跨媒體、跨產業的情形不斷發生。「互動電視」是典型的資訊、電信與媒體科技匯聚(convergence)之後的新媒體,無論對於資訊業、電信產業或傳統的媒體而言,都是一項「創新」(innovation)。「互動電視」(interactive TV)透過地面無線、有線電視、電信網路或衛星等寬頻網路(broadband network),傳輸數位化(digitalization)的影音(video and audio)與加值服務(value-add services),可說是科技匯流之後的產物。本研究將從媒體產業結構的分析出發,描述電視產業內廣告、收視與家數的變化情形,進而分析科技匯聚、產業互跨後,台灣地區既有電視與電信業者進入互動電視市場的競爭優勢與發展限制,以及該互動電視產業形成的進入障礙。 研究結果發現,電視產業近來在政治、經濟、社會與技術變遷下,競爭者增加許多,無線電視台的廣告量、收視率近來更快速流動到衛星與有線電視台。而科技的發展使得電視既有的產製流程漸漸解構,也因此出現了內容供應商、內容匯聚者、傳輸者等新的事業型態。再者,廣播電視、電信、資訊科技之間的界線便得模糊,互動電視即是典型的產物。台灣地區互動電視尚處於發展前期,目前主要的競爭者包含電信業者、有線電視系統業者與衛星電視業者,其挾著不同的核心資源競逐互動電視市場。研究結果顯示,互動電視發展的瓶頸在於資金不足、網路建設與服務架構仍待克服、法規限制、專業人才斷層以及教育市場等問題。該產業儘管尚未真正成形,然進入障礙卻已出現,包含初期資金需求較高、規模經濟、政策限制、業者的絕對成本優勢以及產品的差異性。受訪者也建議未來國內的媒體業者,發揮創意與製作能力,以華文市場為事業範疇。
The utilization of new information communication technologies (ICTs)is changing the way we communication , organize our work and companies or do business in general. Dealing with altered industry structures through mutual innovation , traditional frameworks have to be revaluated and will be modified or extended in order to give direction for an adequate strategy. This study analysis the phoneme of convergence between the online servers and TV industry, and introduction the TV development in recent years. The conclusions of this research revealed as follow:with the thrive of cable TV and satellite TV, the advertising revenue and rating of broadcasting TV in Taiwan have decreased. The introduction of interactive TV(shorten as iTV) was seen as an opportunity to break the old marketing systems of TV stations if the innovating company would be able to establish a quasi monopoly in the sense of Schumpeter. Competitors in iTV industry include telecom , cable TV and satellite TV operators. The factors that are obstructing the iTV development include cost , network and service structure, policy , integrated staff with media and information technology expert and marketing. The entry barriers of the new market are capital requirement , economies of scale, product differentiation, legislation and absolute cost advantage .



互動電視, 產業結構, 隨選視訊, interactive TV, iTV, industrial structure, video on demand, VOD





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