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本研究目的在於探討與5000公尺跑步成績有關的變項。受試者為23位受過良好耐力訓練的健康男性,平均年齡20.43±1.47歲,身高173.2±4.73公分,體重66.34±7.00公斤。所有受試者都必需接受三次實驗室測量,分別為最大攝氧量跑步測試、跑步經濟性測試與及肌力、爆發力測試。在最大攝氧量跑步測試中,測量受試者的最大攝氧量(VO2max)、最大攝氧跑步速度(νVO2max)、換氣閾值(Ventilation Threshold, VT),在間隔一天的休息之後,再以三種運動速度(8、9、10 mph)測出跑步經濟性(Running Economy, RE)。接著,利用Cybex 6000等速肌力測試機,以每秒60與180度的角速度,測出受試者的肌力與爆發力。最後測試受試者5000公尺的表現,並以皮爾遜積差相關分析各個生理變項與5000公尺跑步成績的相關程度,再以多元逐步迴歸法,建立5000公尺跑步成績之迴歸方程式。結果發現,5000公尺表現與有氧能力指標VO2max、νVO2max與VT有顯著的相關(r=-.414、-.783、-.619),而三種速度之RE與5000公尺成績表現並無顯著相關(r=.084、.073、.305),但當RE以%VO2max的方式呈現後,便達顯著相關(r=.610、.651、.717)。肌肉適能方面,絕對爆發力、相對肌力以及相對爆發力與5000公尺跑步成績都有顯著相關(r=-.486、-.597、-.559),而5000公尺成績表現的預測公式為Y=-75.57νVO2max(mph)+6.652% VO2maxRE10+1477;SEE=54.78 sec。因此,雖然有氧適能對5000公尺跑步表現影響較大,但有氧適能仍會被肌肉適能所影響,故運動員在訓練之時,應針對兩種能力加強,才能有最佳的成績表現。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between physiological variables and 5000-running performance. The subjects were twenty-third healthy males with well endurance training. All subjects underwent three laboratory tests including maximal running effort test, running economy test and strength combination muscle power test. In maximal running effort test, maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), the peak velocity at maximal oxygen consumption (νVO2max) and ventilation threshold (VT) were determined. After one day of rest, subjects underwent running economy test at three submaximal velocities (8, 9, 10 mph) to assess their running economy (RE). Then, strength and muscle power test by Cybex 6000 isokinetic machine with angular velocity of 60 and 180 degrees per second was conducted. Finally, 5000 meter performance was performed on an outdoor 400 m track. The relationships between each physiological variance and 5000 m running performance were evaluated using Pearson’s product-moment correlation.The formula predicting 5000 m running performance was set by multiple stepwise regression. As the result, 5000 m running performance had significant correlation with aerobic capacity, such as VO2max, νVO2max and VT (r=-.414, -.783, -.619), but had no significant correlation with RE ( r=.084, .073, .305). But correlation became significant when RE was presented as %VO2max of subjects. As for muscle fitness, running performance had significant correlation with absolute muscle power, relative strength, and relative power (r= -.486, -.597, -.613). The formula predicting 5000 m running performance is Y=-75.57νVO2max (mph)+ 6.652% VO2maxRE10+ 1477; SEE=54.78sec。As the result, aerobic fitness has more influence in 5000 m running performance, it will be affect by muscle fitness. In conclusion, since both of aerobic capacity and muscle fitness affect 5000 m running performance, the necessity of aerobic and muscular conditioning of 5000 m runners is indicated.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between physiological variables and 5000-running performance. The subjects were twenty-third healthy males with well endurance training. All subjects underwent three laboratory tests including maximal running effort test, running economy test and strength combination muscle power test. In maximal running effort test, maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), the peak velocity at maximal oxygen consumption (νVO2max) and ventilation threshold (VT) were determined. After one day of rest, subjects underwent running economy test at three submaximal velocities (8, 9, 10 mph) to assess their running economy (RE). Then, strength and muscle power test by Cybex 6000 isokinetic machine with angular velocity of 60 and 180 degrees per second was conducted. Finally, 5000 meter performance was performed on an outdoor 400 m track. The relationships between each physiological variance and 5000 m running performance were evaluated using Pearson’s product-moment correlation.The formula predicting 5000 m running performance was set by multiple stepwise regression. As the result, 5000 m running performance had significant correlation with aerobic capacity, such as VO2max, νVO2max and VT (r=-.414, -.783, -.619), but had no significant correlation with RE ( r=.084, .073, .305). But correlation became significant when RE was presented as %VO2max of subjects. As for muscle fitness, running performance had significant correlation with absolute muscle power, relative strength, and relative power (r= -.486, -.597, -.613). The formula predicting 5000 m running performance is Y=-75.57νVO2max (mph)+ 6.652% VO2maxRE10+ 1477; SEE=54.78sec。As the result, aerobic fitness has more influence in 5000 m running performance, it will be affect by muscle fitness. In conclusion, since both of aerobic capacity and muscle fitness affect 5000 m running performance, the necessity of aerobic and muscular conditioning of 5000 m runners is indicated.
肌肉適能, 有氧適能, 5000公尺跑步表現, muscle fitness, aerobic capacity, 5000 m running performance