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本研究旨在以理性行動理論探討新北市某國中學生電子煙使用意圖。研究母群是以109學年度就讀於新北市某國中為研究對象,共抽出298名學生。採複迴歸分析研究結果。  研究結果整理如下: 1. 研究對象的背景變項對於使用電子煙之「行為信念」,會因為「父親教育程度」不同而有顯著差異。 2. 研究對象的背景變項對於使用電子煙之「結果評價」,會因為「性別」不同而有顯著差異。 3. 研究對象的背景變項對於使用電子煙之「規範信念」,會因為「父親使用紙菸的變項」、「母親使用紙菸的變項」、、「父親使用電子煙的變項」、「母親使用電子煙的變項」、「父親教育程度」不同而有顯著差異。 4. 研究對象的背景變項對於使用電子煙之「遵從動機」,會因為「父親使用紙菸的變項」不同而有顯著差異。 5. 研究對象的背景變項對於使用電子煙之「行為意圖」,會因為「性別」、「年級」、「父親使用紙菸的變項」、「父親使用電子煙的變項」不同而有顯著差異。 6. 使用電子煙行為態度、主觀規範與行為意圖呈現顯著相關。 7. 研究對象之背景變項、行為信念、結果評價、規範信念、遵從動機可有效預測使用電子煙行為意圖,其解釋力為17.1%。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the use e-cigarette intention of senior high school students. The subjects of this study were senior high school students in New Taipei City enrolled in the 109th school year, which were obtained 298 students. The results were evaluated by multiple regression analysis.The results are summarized as follows: 1.Students’ behavioral beliefs to e-cigarette use has significantly difference from father’s education. 2.Students’ evaluations of behavioral outcomes to e-cigarette use has significantly difference from sex. 3.Students’ normative beliefs to e-cigarette use has significantly difference from father’s smoking status, mother’s smoking status, caregiver’s smoking status, father’s e-cigarette use status, mother’s e-cigarette use status, caregiver’s e-cigaretteuse status and father’s education.4.Students’ motivation to comply to e-cigarette use has significantly difference from father’s smoking status and caregiver’s smoking status.5.Students’ intention to e-cigarette use has significantly difference from sex, age, father’s smoking status and father’s e-cigarette use status.6.Students' attitudes and subject norm to e-cigarette use have significantly association with e-cigarette using intention. 7.Students’ intention to e-cigarette use has 17% explanatory power can be predicted by background variable, behavioral beliefs, evaluations of behavioral outcomes, normative beliefs and motivation to comply.



國中生, 電子煙, 理性行動理論, 使用電子煙行為意圖, junior high school students, e-cigarette, theory of Reasoned Action, use e-cigarette behavior intention

