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網路小說作為文學之新興形式,不僅具有休閒之功能,同時能成為承載文化與傳遞道德價值之工具;此外,網路小說以作家與讀者雙方互為主體,重視互動與交流,並呈現多元化觀點之樣態,乃與女性主義精神及關懷倫理理念相互契合。 本研究基於前述以網路作家「蝴蝶」(Seba)之穿越小說系列為文本,探究其所具備之道德意涵與教育意義,具體研究目的有三:一是探究蝴蝶穿越小說文本中的女性主義意涵;二是探究蝴蝶穿越小說文本中的關懷倫理意涵;三是藉由探究蝴蝶穿越小說的女性主義與關懷倫理意涵,進而尋求網路小說所具備之教育意義。 研究方法主採文本分析,以蝴蝶已出版之十八本穿越小說與部落格上相關之留言作為分析對象,並兼納內容分析,透過研究者自編之「網路小說之女性主義與關懷倫理分析類目表」,以連載之回數作為分析單位,呈現出蝴蝶穿越小說中的女性主義與關懷倫理意涵分布樣貌。 根據研究結果可發現:蝴蝶穿越小說文本中富含女性主義意涵,不只重構性別後天/社會建構,呈現對女性生命經驗的觀照,同時顯露對於父權社會系統的質疑,展現出對平等社會制度的追求,相當重視女性主義價值的實踐。其次,蝴蝶穿越小說文本中亦蘊含關懷倫理意涵,不僅表露出對於不同聲音的關注,展現對道德情感的重視,同時體現互賴關懷關係之的建立,呈現關懷行動之落實,更反映出關懷者與被關懷者互為主體的觀點。再者,本研究亦發現蝴蝶網路小說具備教育意義,其不但可作為價值與道德意涵之傳遞媒介,而且提供了溝通平台,可用以關懷實踐,並提供讀者進行批判與反思之空間。 有感於研究結果,研究者進而對文本創作者、教育者以及後續研究提出若干建議,期望網路小說所蘊含之價值與其所具備之功能可被重視與善用,以建立當代資訊科技下的公共溝通網絡,以利多元與理性的互動與分享。
Internet novel as a new genre of literature not only has the function of recreation, but also can be an expressible carrier of culture and moral values. In addition, internet novel emphasizes the interaction of writers and readers, and presents diverse perspectives through both subjects. The quality of diverse perspectives is compatible with the idea of feminism and care ethics. This study inquires moral implications and educational meanings of "Time-traveling Novels" written by Seba. The research purposes are to explore the implications for feminism and care ethics in Seba's time-traveling novels, and based on the above research contents, to seek educational meanings in the internet novels. Methodology of this study includes textual analysis and content analysis. Seba's 18 time-traveling novels and the related comments on Seba's blog are adopted as the texts for analysis. Additionally, this study uses “The Feminism and Care Ethics Category Table of Internet Novel” as a research tool to present the distribution of feminism and care ethics in Seba's time-traveling novels. The research results reveal that Seba's time-traveling paper novels contain the implications of feminism and care ethics. Besides, her internet novels have the educational meanings. Firstly, Seba's time-traveling novels not only reconstruct the social construction of genders and reflect the life experiences of women, but also challenge the patriarchal social system and pursue the equality. Seba notices the subordination of women; what is more, she narrates women's experiences as a feminist practice of writing. Besides, Seba's time-traveling novels consist of care ethics. The novels not only appear the attention on different voices to show the emphasis on morality, but also implement caring through establishing the reliable caring relationships of characters. We can even find Seba's time-traveling novels reflecting the perspectives of the care-giver and the cared-for subjects. Moreover, the educational function of Seba’s internet novels becomes the media of expressing moral meanings and values. Her blog provides readers with communication platform to criticize, reflect and implement caring. Based on the aforementioned conclusions, several suggestions for writers, educators and researchers are as follows. It is anticipated that the communication networks of the public sphere on the internet can be established. Andthe merit as well as the function of internet novels will be valued and put to good use. Therefore, the pluralistic and rational interaction on the internet can be promoted.



女性主義, 關懷倫理, 網路小說, 穿越小說, feminism, care ethics, internet novel, time-traveling novel

