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本研究旨在瞭解台北市高工應屆畢業學生的電腦素養、電腦態度及影響此二者之相關因素。本研究採問卷調查法,研究樣本為743位高工學生。 根據分析結果獲得以下結論:(1)台北市高工應屆畢業生有正向的電腦態度,但電腦素養偏低。(2)男生的電腦素養顯著高於女生,電腦態度亦顯著較女生正向。(3)在「家中有無電腦」、「家中有無網際網路帳號」、「家中有無訂閱電腦雜誌」與「有無接受電腦課程或訓練」等因素上,高工學生的電腦素養及電腦態度差異均達顯著水準。(4)母親教育程度不同的高工學生,其電腦素養有顯著差異,父親教育程度不同的高工學生,其電腦態度有顯著差異。(5)就讀公立與私立學校的高工學生,其電腦素養及電腦態度均沒有差異;資訊科及控制科的學生,其電腦素養顯著高於多數科別;各科間的電腦態度沒有差異。
The purpose of this research is to understand the computer literacy and the computer attitude of current graduates in the vocational industrial high schools in Taipei and the related factors that impact the two. The study utilized a questionnaire to survey 743 students in vocational industrial high schools. Results, (l) The current graduates in the vocational industrial high schools in Taipei have positive computer attitude, but the computer literacy is low. (2) Male's computer literacy is significantly higher than female, and the computer attitude is also significantly more positive. (3)Base on the factors such as "Whether they have computer at home?" "Whether they have Internet access at home?" "Whether they subscribe to computer magazines at home?" and "Whether they have computer classes or training?" both the students' computer literacy and computer attitude meet the significant differences. (4) The mothers with different education levels have significant difference in computer literacy. On the other hand, the different education levels of fathers result in the significant difference in computer attitude. (5) There are no differences in computer literacy and computer attitude between the public and private vocational industrial high school students. The students in computer information system major and control major have higher computer literacy than those in other majors. There is no difference in computer attitude between the different majors.
The purpose of this research is to understand the computer literacy and the computer attitude of current graduates in the vocational industrial high schools in Taipei and the related factors that impact the two. The study utilized a questionnaire to survey 743 students in vocational industrial high schools. Results, (l) The current graduates in the vocational industrial high schools in Taipei have positive computer attitude, but the computer literacy is low. (2) Male's computer literacy is significantly higher than female, and the computer attitude is also significantly more positive. (3)Base on the factors such as "Whether they have computer at home?" "Whether they have Internet access at home?" "Whether they subscribe to computer magazines at home?" and "Whether they have computer classes or training?" both the students' computer literacy and computer attitude meet the significant differences. (4) The mothers with different education levels have significant difference in computer literacy. On the other hand, the different education levels of fathers result in the significant difference in computer attitude. (5) There are no differences in computer literacy and computer attitude between the public and private vocational industrial high school students. The students in computer information system major and control major have higher computer literacy than those in other majors. There is no difference in computer attitude between the different majors.