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The purpose of this study was aimed to explore how junior high school students of different backgrounds feel about the Test-free Senior High School Admission Program and the high-school-entrance stress.The relationship between them is also be tested. The survey research method was adopted and the questionnaires were administered to collect data in terms of stratified random sampling. One thousand five hundred and thirty-one students of fifty-six junior high schools were concluded as subjects and filled in the questionnaires. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation,repeated measure design One-way ANOVA. The conclusions were as follows: 1.The satisfaction of the Test-free Senior High School Admission Program of Junior high school students was above a medium degree. 2.The high-school-entrance stress of junior high school students was above a medium degree. 3.The satisfaction of Test-free Senior High School Admission Program had significant difference in terms of demographic variables, including school location, school size, educational outcomes, and socio-economic standard. 5.The high-school-entrance stress had significant difference in terms of demographic variables, including, gender, educational outcomes, and socio-economic standard. 6.The satisfaction of Test-free Senior High School Admission Program and The high-school-entrance stress bore non correlation. Based on the above-mentioned conclusions, some suggestions were offered to educational authority, junior high schools, parents respectively.
The purpose of this study was aimed to explore how junior high school students of different backgrounds feel about the Test-free Senior High School Admission Program and the high-school-entrance stress.The relationship between them is also be tested. The survey research method was adopted and the questionnaires were administered to collect data in terms of stratified random sampling. One thousand five hundred and thirty-one students of fifty-six junior high schools were concluded as subjects and filled in the questionnaires. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation,repeated measure design One-way ANOVA. The conclusions were as follows: 1.The satisfaction of the Test-free Senior High School Admission Program of Junior high school students was above a medium degree. 2.The high-school-entrance stress of junior high school students was above a medium degree. 3.The satisfaction of Test-free Senior High School Admission Program had significant difference in terms of demographic variables, including school location, school size, educational outcomes, and socio-economic standard. 5.The high-school-entrance stress had significant difference in terms of demographic variables, including, gender, educational outcomes, and socio-economic standard. 6.The satisfaction of Test-free Senior High School Admission Program and The high-school-entrance stress bore non correlation. Based on the above-mentioned conclusions, some suggestions were offered to educational authority, junior high schools, parents respectively.
免試入學方案, 高中入學方案, 升學壓力, Test-Free Senior High School Admission Program, High School Entrance Program, High-school-entrance Stress