
dc.contributorWu, Mei-Meien_US
dc.contributor.authorWEI, HSIAO-TINGen_US
dc.description.abstract英語能力與閱讀培養是教育領域中相當受到重視的議題。本研究期望讓國小高年級生利用非互動式英語電子繪本,在不受到互動式功能影響的數位閱讀環境下,分析兒童英語電子繪本的閱讀行為、使用困難與需求及影響與回饋。期望研究發現可有助於兒童英語閱讀推廣與教學之參考。 本研究採質性取向,研究對象徵選英語學習特質不同的十位國小五年級生,以立意取樣為主。研究方法以觀察法和半結構式訪談法進行資料蒐集。觀察法是透過Hypercam螢幕擷取軟體,將兒童閱讀的過程錄製下來,以取得錄影資料,並將錄影資料轉譯於「螢幕擷取記錄表」;訪談法則是以訪談大綱為基礎,並加上螢幕擷取記錄表所觀察與發現的問題與疑惑為輔,加以訪談。之後將訪談錄音資料轉譯成逐字稿語料,兩部份文本資料以atlas.ti分析工具進行編碼。 研究結果發現,(一)在閱讀行為方面:(1)國小高年級生搜尋英語繪本習慣使用固定的介面與方式、(2)國小高年級生搜尋英語繪本時間具探索期、穩定期、轉化期等階段性變化、(3)國小高年級生選擇英語繪本受到個人因素與同儕影響、(4)國小高年級生選擇繪本閱讀模式受閱讀習慣影響、(5)國小高年級生閱讀習慣受到個人英語程度與閱讀能力影響、(6)閱讀理解歷程可分為字面猜測、查詢後理解、回憶評估理解三階段、(7)故事重述能協助兒童回憶故事內容,有評估理解程度的效果、(8)兒童對非互動式英語電子繪本有正面的態度與閱讀意願;(二)閱讀問題與處理方式方面:(1)國小高年級生閱讀非互動式英語電子繪本有文字上的困難、(2)非互動式英語電子繪本操作上影字體、主題分類與語言標示不清的問題、(3)國小高年級生閱讀遇到困難會主動尋求協助;(三)閱讀影響與回饋方面:(1)閱讀非互動式英語電子繪本有助於兒童英語能力表現上的自我肯定、(2)非互動式英語電子繪本能培養兒童持續閱讀的習慣、(3)閱讀非互動式英語電子繪本對兒童閱讀載體認知有所改變,從偏好紙本改為偏好電子繪本、(4)國小高年級生喜歡非互動式英語電子繪本融入教學,有助於提升學習情緒;(四)未來閱讀需求方面:(1)兒童表示希望持續增加英語電子繪本的數量、(2)非互動式英語電子繪本網站應提供單字查詢與提示功能,以減少閱讀理解的障礙、(3)國小高年級生希望系統增加閱讀測驗以提升閱讀理解。 基於上述結果,本研究提出非互動式英語電子繪本教學運用、閱讀推廣與系統設計建議,並針對未來研究提出建議,期盼對國小高年級生英語閱讀教育實施相關實務與研究領域有所助益。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractReading and English ability are the important issues in the field of education. This study analyzes fifth grade students' reading behavior, usage, effects and feedback of the non-interactive English digital picture books which leave readers without being affected by the interactive features of the digital reading environment. This study applied qualitative approach, using observation and semi-structured interview methods to collect data. The purposive sampling has been applied to select ten fifth-grader students with different English experiences and levels. The observation method records children’s reading processes by obtaining video data through the Hypercam screen capture software. The semi-structured interview includes questions found in the observation data is applied. Both the recorded video and the interview audio files are transcribed. The two text data are then encoded by using Atlas.ti analysis tools. The findings of the study are four-fold. Firstly, regarding reading behavior, the findings include: (a) Children use a fixed search interface and method to select English picture books; (b) Grade 5 students search English picture books by three different stages; (c) The factors affect children while choosing the picture books include personal interest, English ability, search experience and peers' influence; (d) Children’s selection of reading viewers is affected by personal habits; (e) The reading habits is related with both English and reading ability; (f) Reading comprehension process can be divided into three stages, literal speculation, inquiry and understanding, recalling and evaluation; (g) Retelling stories helps children recall the story and evaluate their level of understanding; (h) Children have positive attitudes and willingness to read non-interactive English digital picture books. Secondly, regarding reading and system operation obstacles: the findings include: (a) Recognizing English words is the major obstacle of children's reading; (b) There are three problems when children operate non-interactive English digital picture books-small text size, obscure subject classification, and the vague instruction for Language labels; (c) Children can resolve reading and operational problems by themselves. Thirdly, regarding the impact and feedback of the non-interactive reading activities, the findings are: (a) Improving children’s English ability and self-esteem; (b) Developing Children's consistent reading habit; (c) Changing children's perspective on reading carriers, from paper books to digital picture books; (d) Applying non-interactive digital picture books in teaching material could enhance students' learning interesting. Fourthly, regarding children's future requests for non-interactive digital picture books: the findings are:(a) Increasing the volumes of English digital picture books; (b) Online dictionary is helpful for children understanding of the English books; (c) Reading tests can improve children's reading comprehension. Based on the research findings, suggestions for (1) teaching non-interactive digital picture books, (2) promoting children's English book reading, and (3) designing ease-for-use system are proposed. Future research issues are also proposed.en_US
dc.subjectReading behavioren_US
dc.subjectReading phenomenonen_US
dc.subjectNon-interactive English digital picture booksen_US
dc.titleA Study of the Grade 5 Students' Noninteractive English Digital Picture Books Reading Behavioren_US

