

本研究藉由「網路輔助教學應用於休閒教育實驗單元課程之設計,以探討國中生於實施此實驗單元課程後,其休閒覺知自由之影響與改變情形。希望透過此實驗課程之實施後,培養讓學生正確的休閒觀念與態度,並提升休閒覺知自由感。本研究採準實驗研究法之單組前測-後測設計,研究對象為台北市某國中八年級普通班學生,共35人,以「休閒覺知自由量表」為檢測工具,其內容包含休閒勝任感、休閒控制感、休閒需求、休閒投入程度與嬉戲性五項分量表,分別在九週的實驗單元課程進行前與後進行施測。此外,並紀錄上課過程、學生回饋與研究者反思,以瞭解參與研究的學生對網路輔助教學應用於休閒教育實驗單元課程的心得與意見,最後歸納研究結果提供未來網路輔助教學應用於休閒教育實驗單元課程實施之參考。 研究結果發現如下: 一、在「休閒覺知自由感」總量表,「休閒勝任感」、「休閒控制感」、「休閒需求」、「休閒投入程度」及「嬉戲性」分量表上,網路輔助教學應用於國中休閒教育實驗單元課程對於實驗國中生皆有正向的提升作用。 二、實驗學生對於整體本實驗單元課程在課程方面具有相當高的滿意度,在規劃上、設計上及學習方式上多給予肯定的看法。此外在學習情形方面,實驗學生多有相當大的獲益;同儕間的學習與互動良好;師生間互動情形多有所增進;大多數實驗學生認為本網路輔助教學應用於休閒教育實驗單元課程是受用的、有幫助。 研究者根據上述的結果加以討論並提出建議,以作為教育應用及未來研究之參考。
The research aimed to design experimental courses of web-based instruction in leisure education, and to study whether, after 9 week adoption of such experimental courses, the perceived freedom in leisure of the Junior High School students has changed. By implementing the experimental leisure education courses , students were expected to have correct attitude towards leisure and understand the values of leisure activities. The research applied one-group pretest-posttest design of quasi-experimental study, and amounted to 35 students of 8th grade class were selected from a Junior High School in Taipei. The instruments used included perceived leisure competence scale, perceived leisure control scale, leisure needs scale, depth of involvement in leisure scale, as well as playfulness scale. The survey had been conducted before and after the experimental courses. Besides, the class process, student feedbacks and experimenter’s reflections were recorded for future reference with respect to application of web-based instruction in leisure education. The findings of the research are as follow: 1.Web-based instruction in leisure education courses has positive influence on sample students’ perceived leisure competence, perceived leisure control, leisure needs, depth of involvement in leisure, and playfulness. 2. Sample students are overall highly satisfied with experimental courses, and give positive comments on the design of courses and learning styles. Further, the application of web-based instruction in education helps interaction among students as well as interaction between teachers and students. Most sample students consider web-based instruction is helpful. Finally, the researcher proposed relevant suggestions based on the above findings for reference to future application of web-based instruction in leisure education.



網路輔助教學, 休閒教育, 休閒覺知自由, web-based instruction, leisure Education, perceived freedom in leisure

