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地方依附是人與地發展而成的連結現象,透過居住與從事活動之記憶,人們對於地方逐漸形成依賴感與認同感,經時間累積而產生對此地的地方依附感。當居民的地方依附程度越深時,對此地的變化與影響有較高的認知程度,也會較為積極表達其意見。根據研究指出,地方依附對於地區觀光發展是重要關鍵,因此本研究欲分析居民的地方依附程度與觀光發展影響認知之相關性。北投地區觀光發展自日據時代開展,直至今日其觀光發展潛力依舊,且有在地民間組織北投文化基金會,成立十多年致力社區營造與凝聚居民意識,因此本研究欲探討在此情況之下,現今北投居民的地方依附程度,及其對觀光發展之認知,並分析此兩者之相關性,最後檢視北投文化基金會是否有助於提升居民的地方依附程度。 本研究採用問卷調查法進行研究,共回收403份問卷並以SPSS統計軟體進行分析,經統計分析後結果如下:(1)居民的地方依附程度偏高,說明北投居民有一定程度的地方依附。(2)居民對整體觀光發展影響的認知偏高,且較能認知到正面的觀光發展影響;然對經濟負面影響之認知也較為明顯。(3)居民對北投文化基金會之努力多抱持正面肯定,並認為其有助於提升居民的地方依附,然居民在活動參與度上略嫌不足。(4)不同屬性「性別」、「居住年」、「居住地」與「是否參與北投社區大學開設課程」、「是否從事觀光相關事業」在地方依附上有達到顯著差異。(5)不同屬性「年齡」、「職業」、「教育程度」、「月收入」、「居住地」與「是否曾參與北投社區大學開設課程」在觀光發展影響上有達到顯著差異。(6)地方依附程度高之居民對觀光發展影響的認知,較地方依附程度低之居民強烈與敏感,且其所感受到的觀光發展以正面影響較多,因此越有可能支持北投地區發展觀光。(7)當居民對北投文化基金會認同度越高時,其地方依賴、地方認同與整體地方依附的程度會越高。 根據以上研究結果,建議如下:(1)為提高居民的活動參與度,可透過教育學習途徑,鼓勵居民參與北投社區大學課程,加強對自身環境歷史脈絡之認識,進而願意投身活動。(2)為提高居民從觀光中獲益比例,政府可鼓勵業者雇用當地居民,或由政府提供獎勵政策,鼓勵發展以居民為主體的觀光模式。(3)未來政府推動觀光發展時,可舉辦公聽會或召開里民大會傾聽居民意見,並結合在地民間組織力量,使觀光發展順利推動。
Judging by the majority of publications devoted to place attachment, the concept is usually implicitly defined as positive. It is assumed that to be attached to a place of residence is a good thing and that this psychological condition will carry beneficial effects for the person and for the community. In most of the publications, place attachment is considered an integral part of human identity and it may serve as a defense against identity crises in the periods of transitions between successive developmental stages. In addition, place attachment is also assumed to be beneficial for the neighborhood since it facilitates involvement in local affairs. Some studies demonstrate that place attachment contributes to civic activity on behalf of one’s place of residence, in the form of sustainable behavior, ecological behaviors or environment behaviors. Although civic participation is important to community-based tourism development, place attachment of the resident needs to be investigated. The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between place attachment and perceptions of tourism development in Peitou area. In addition, the role of local organization, Peitou Culture Foundation, in enhancing the place attachment of Peitou residents is also investigated. In this research, questionnaires are used to survey the opinions of Peitou residents, and a total number of 403 valid questionnaires are collected. According to the final results, place attachment has a strong and positive relationship with perceptions of tourism development. The local residents with higher extent of recognition to the Peitou Culture Foundation also have higher extent of place dependence, place identity and the whole place attachment. Hence, this study finds that the Peitou Culture Foundation plays an important role in enhancing the place attachment of Peitou residents.



地方依附, 觀光發展影響認知, 北投, 北投文化基金會, place attachment, perceptions of tourism development, Peitou, Peitou Culture Foundation

