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本研究旨在針對教育政策行銷的行銷管理、策略與溝通,做一深入的剖析與探討,希望能夠瞭解推動教育政策行銷之有效管理模式與實施策略。在本研究中,教育局政策行銷團隊與政策利害關係人的溝通互動亦為探討的重要面向。為了達成研究目的,本研究採用質性的個案研究法,以臺北市教育局為個案,分析精緻教育政策的行銷管理與策略,並藉由訪談與觀察等資料收集方式,達成對個案的分析與討論,最後提出結論和建議。 依據本研究之目的,本研究的結論如下: 壹、在精緻教育政策行銷的實施現況方面: 一、精緻教育政策行銷仍然按部就班地大力推動中。 二、教育政策行銷團隊對教育政策行銷已有基本概念,只是程度有待加強。三、教育政策行銷團隊對政策行銷的統整非常注重,但整合程度仍待努力。 貳、在精緻教育政策行銷的行銷管理、策略與溝通方面: 一、精緻教育政策行銷團隊的行銷規劃注重全方位的普查。 二、精緻教育政策行銷團隊的內部行銷乃是結合理念行銷、使命行銷與服務行銷來進行。 三、精緻教育政策行銷團隊的外部行銷偏向整合行銷傳播模式的應用。 四、精緻教育政策行銷團隊的行銷策略十分多元,但是少部分策略落實程度不高。 五、教育政策行銷團隊與政策利害關係人的溝通互動管道運作順暢,但是對教師與家長部分仍待加強。 參、在精緻教育政策行銷現階段的行銷成效方面: 一、精緻教育政策行銷對政策產品的理念行銷相當成功。 二、精緻教育政策行銷的初步成果獲得民意支持與國際好評。 三、精緻教育政策行銷的規模和層次已超越地方層級。 四、精緻教育政策行銷的環境阻力仍待改革予以化解。 根據本研究之結論,本研究對教育局的建議如下: 一、不斷進行精緻教育政策的理念行銷與使命行銷。 二、建立持續以顧客需求為導向的政策行銷過程。 三、重視行銷公關的運作並建立顧客關係管理網絡。 四、建立與教育非營利組織長期的合作伙伴關係。 五、設置教育政策行銷資料庫並強化知識管理的運作。 六、建立政策利害關係人參與教育事務之經常性管道。 七、善用數位化網際網路進行電子化的政策行銷。 八、徹底落實教育政策行銷的整體行銷成效稽核。 根據本研究之結論,本研究對相關教育行政單位的建議如下: 一、 重視對政策之整合性行銷傳播,改善政策宣導之不足。 二、 強化教育行政部門每一位成員的政策行銷素養。
The management, strategy, and communication in Educational Policy Marketing were analyzed in this research to understand the most efficient management model. The communication between marketing team and stakeholders was aimed also. Based on in-depth interviews and field observation, a case study of Department of Education, Taipei City Government was adopted to analyze the management and strategies of Betterness Educational Policy Marketing. Significant conclusions of this study are as follows: a. Current practice of Betterness Educational Policy Marketing: I. Marketing of the policy is carried out as previously planned. II. The marketing team have had the fundamental understanding of the policy but needed to be furthered. III. The marketing team emphasized on integration but the degree could be advanced. b. Management, strategy, and communication of Betterness Educational Policy Marketing: I. The focus is on the entire population. II. Internal marketing was combined with Idealism Marketing, Mission Marketing and Service Marketing III. External marketing put emphasis on the application of IMC IV. Strategy was abundant, but few wasn’t practiced well. V. The communication between marketing team and stakeholders was smooth, but those between marketing team, tutors and parents needed to be further improved. c. Effectiveness of concurrent Betterness Educational Policy Marketing: I. Idealism Marketing was very successful. II. Public support is reached with international recognition. III. The policy is well received and beyond regional limitation. IV. Resistance from the Environment as a whole still needed to be overcome. According to the conclusions, the suggestions for Department of Education as below : I. Proceed the Idealism Marketing and Mission Marketing based on Betterness Educational Policy continuously. II. Establish the marketing policy process which keeps on customer-need-oriented. III. Emphasize the operation of marketing public relation and establish the management network for the customer relationship. IV. Establish the long-term cooperation relationship with the educational Non-Profit Organizations. V. Set up the database of Educational Policy Marketing and strengthen the operation of knowledge management. VI. Establish the regular accesses for the policy stakeholders to participate in the educational affairs. VII. Make use of digital network well to proceed the electronic policy marketing. VIII. Put the check for the whole educational effectiveness into practice thoroughly. According to the conclusions, the suggestions for the related educational administration as below : I. Emphasize the integral marketing communication of policy, and improve the lack of policy propagation. II. Strengthen the capacity and disposition of the educational policy for every member in the educational administration.



政策行銷, 教育政策行銷, 精緻教育, 精緻教育政策行銷, Policy Marketing, Educational Policy Marketing, Betterness Education, Policy Marketing of Betterness Education Policy





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