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文化部(前身為文化建設委員會)1997年於《文化資產保存法》正式增修了古蹟再利用的規範,許多古蹟保衛人士陸續開始進行再利用的規劃及倡導古蹟活化運動。而再利用應同時考慮重建文化背景之教育意涵、典藏及娛樂性等面向,以達到古蹟保存及全民共享之價值。然而,古蹟在進行再利用前,首先面臨到如何保存其原始古蹟風貌,及如何規劃出合宜的展示,常是古蹟活化時修復者及經營者應好好設想的議題。 本文將依序透過「臺灣古蹟保存的歷史脈絡與政策」、探討古蹟「委託經營」,並透過實際案例分析,輔助在進行本研究台北故事館有別於其他古蹟再利用之經營理念特點以及文化價值的建立,並探討與周邊環境的連結。本文的研究架構及內容可涵括台北故事館的: 1.古蹟歷史背景及空間再生研究:建築物歷史與再生背景、古蹟空間特色、以及如 何利用再生空間作文化活動之分析。 2.古蹟經營理念研究:探討台北故事館經營者理念及理念的延續性。如何透過文化 活動,以延續古蹟本身存在價值。 3.展示思維研究:從觀察者的角度,分析台北故事館如何以其展示思維做為展覽規 劃與活動依據,進行工作團隊深度訪談,整理出獨特之經營特點。 因此,本論文研究將以目前古蹟再利用之委託經營方式,探究其文化政策與經營館所可能面臨到的衝突及待解決的議題,顯示臺灣古蹟在文化資產保存的重要,及如何透過古蹟再利用與歷史文化接軌。如:建立城市博物館聚落或社區博物館的概念,以推行古蹟文化在地化。
In 1997, it has been modified to upgrade the specification of reuse of the historical monuments to the Cultural Heritage Preservation Law by the Council for Cultural Affairs, now the Ministry of Culture. Many public figures of historical site protection start to plan reuse of historical monuments and promote the activity of revitalization of historic conservation successively. In order to implement the Value of conservation of the historical monuments and popularization, reuse of the historical monuments should be concerned simultaneously about the educational significance of rebuilding the cultural background, classical collection, entertainment, and etc. However, It is an important issue for the operators of revitalization of the historical monuments that how to preserve the original feature well and have an appropriate exhibition scheme. This research investigates about the operation under entrustment of reuse of the historical monuments, and surveys the literature about the historical development process and policy. Through cases analysis, the characteristics of the concept of management and value of culture of Taipei Story House can be found in comparison with other projects of revitalization of the historical monument. In this study, the research frame and scope for Taipei Story House can be drawn as follows, 1. Research of regeneration for historical spaces and historical background of monuments: it includes the background, histories, spatial characteristics, and regeneration of historical architecture and historical monuments. 2. The study of the concept of management in revitalization of the historical monument: explore the philosophy and continuity in the management concept of Taipei Story House. 3. Investigation of exhibition thinking: As an observer, by the depth interviews with the operation team, analyze how Taipei Story House to make for exhibition planning and activities in order to present its unique operating characteristics. In summary, this research will investigates about the issue of some conflicts and problems of the cultural policy and management remain to be solved in revitalization of the historical monument based on the mode of the operation under entrustment. It will be explored in this research the importance of cultural heritage preservation and how to connect with its historical culture of by revitalization of the historical monument.



台北故事館, 古蹟, 再利用, 展示思維, 委託經營, Taipei Story House, Historical Monument, Reuse, Exhibition Thinking, Commissioned Operation

