

摘要 本研究以歷史研究法與內容分析方法進行研究,旨在藉由Rugg的社會重建觀點,探究我國國小社會課程,歷經官方課程發展時期以及多元課程發展時期的課程目標、課程內涵、課程組織、編製程序、課程材料等變項的發展。 本研究結論,臚列如下: 一、課程目標:官方課程發展時期以培養民族精神與愛國精神的公民。多元課程發展時期則欲培養解決問題與批判思考的公民。多元課程發展時期較符合Rugg的主張。 二、課程內涵:官方課程發展時期只包含歷史、地理與公民,多元課程發展時期至少包含社會科學的學科,符合Rugg整合社會科的主張,但是九年一貫課程的社會領域內涵實已超越社會科學的範圍。 三、課程組織:多元課程發展時期是以社會科學性質進行統整,符合的Rugg主張。 四、編製程序:只有官方課程發展時期的板橋模式符合Rugg主張的科學程序。 五、課程材料: (一)社會材料:官方課程發展時期與多元課程發展時期的插圖,具有犯罪或偏差行為者,以及不當使用科技者均以男性為主。另外,各版本的科技使用者插圖,不論男、女,皆不曾出現原住民。客家族群與原住民族群的論述,缺乏政治與經濟材料。多元課程發展時期出現「行動社區」的概念,具有Rugg社會重建的觀點。犯罪問題在多元課程發展時期已受重視,失業問題可能導致貧窮與自殺是受忽略的。 (二)政治材料:官方課程發展時與多元課程發展時期,均缺乏政治事件與政治貪腐的課程材料,特別是缺乏政治貪腐的課程材料。在多元課程發展時期,政治事件,各版本除了提及二二八事件外,只有南一版提及美麗島事件和雷震事件。 (三)經濟材料:官方課程發展時期強調政府經濟建設的作為,不曾指出經濟問題。多元課程發展時期,已注意到經濟問題,逐漸符合Rugg社會重建的主張。 (四)文化材料:在宗教信仰方面,兩個時期,均強調宗教善的區塊,缺乏假借宗教名義,行騙財、騙色等犯罪事實的論述,只有南一版稍微提及。 (五)國際觀:由官方課程發展時期著重於政治材料的國際觀,且著重於批判共產主義的政治意識型態,至多元課程發展時期各版本均注重全球關聯性的當代社會問題,該期較符合Rugg的社會重建觀。 (六)就社會課程整體發展而言,官方課程發展時期與多元課程發展時期,均未達到社會重建的標準。 以上的結論冀能做為政府有關社會課程擬定與審查,社會課程發展者的參考。
Abstract The purpose of this study is to probe from the perspectives of Rugg’s social reconstructionism orientation into the meaning of changes and reforms regarding the curriculum transformation of Social Studies in Taiwan’s elementary schools, going through four stages of the Social Studies-Chiou-Shan model(1949~1989), Ban-Chiao model (1979~2000), Nan-Hai model, and Multicurriculum-development model (1996~)-started after 1949. Major findings of the study are: 1. Curriculum goals: It was to cultivate citizenships of nationalistic spirits and patriotic spirits in the officially developed period, but to cultivate citizenships of problem solving and critical thinking in the multi-development period. The latter corresponded to Rugg’s stand. 2. Curriculum connotations: It contained subjects of history, geography, citizen in the officially developed period, but contains “ Social Studies as social science ” in the multi-development period. The latter transforming humanities into social science corresponded with Rugg’s assertion. The social science field of the grade 1-9 curriculum connotation had gone behind the scope of the social science. 3. Curriculum organization: It was to integrate the nature of the social science during the multi-development period corresponding to Rugg’s claim. 4. Curriculum making procedure: Only Ban-Chiao model corresponded with the idea of Rugg in curriculum-making procedure. 5. Curriculum materials adopted from: (1) Society During the official curriculum period, the illustrations about the criminals, behavior-disordered and technology abusers were featured by figures of male, giving a possible stereotype that “females are equal to criminals”. Furthermore, no aboriginal figures of technologists could be found in all versions. Political and economic issues were lacking in discussions about Huga tribes and aboriginal tribes. The concept of active community turned up during the stage of multi-development, which reflected the points of Rugg. Crime problems had been highlighted during this stage, while unemployment might lead to poverty and suicides that wasignored. (2) Politics The curriculum about political events and corruption was lacking in discussions about political corruption particularly at both official and multi-development stages,. (3) Economy During the official development stage, only the acts of economic construction but not economic problems were emphasized,. (4) Culture Both stages emphasized the good deeds instructed by religions, when the discussions about crimes by the name of religion were few except for a little piece appeared in Nan-yi version. (5) International outlook During the official stage, political international outlook was sstressed the ground of ideology of communism critiques. During the multi-development stage, the associations among modern society problems appeared in all versions, and this would be more fit in with Rugg’s view of social reconstruction. (6) It didn’t achieve the perspectives of Rugg’s social reconstructionism both official curriculum development period and multi-curriculum development period as a whole. Hopefully, the findings can be referenced for the setting and examining of the social curriculum and curriculum developers.



課程材料, Rugg, 社會重建觀, 社會課程, curriculum material, Rugg, social reconstructionism, social studies curriculum





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