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本研究鑑於近3年妥瑞兒遭霸凌事件頻傳,為關懷妥瑞症議題,運用超現實隠喻、誇張、不符合現實的表現手法作為海報創作風格,以突顯妥瑞症所引發異於常人的行為及情緒。在研究方法上,第一部份依據文獻整理歸納妥瑞症干擾性行為及情緒外顯表現症狀類型。並設計李克特五點量表(Likert scale)調查問卷,以10-15歲區間之妥瑞兒為受訪對象。研究結果顯示,影響妥瑞兒較為明顯的干擾性行為及情緒有(1)分心及注意力不足;(2)壓力;(3)強迫性行為及思考;(4)暴怒;(5)學習障礙等5項,並發現妥瑞兒雖易有暴怒無法控制情緒問題,但文獻所載穢語症、攻擊行為、自我傷害行為,在問卷數據分析上並不明顯。第二部份從文獻分析超現實主義在藝術及海報設計上的應用及表現手法;顯示以(1)大小的置換;(2)相異物的融合;(3)解構與重組;應用較多,畫面表現張力較強,注視性及記憶性也較高。第三部份取樣35件世界五大權威海報國際競賽近6年(2021-2016)運用超現實表現手法入選或得獎海報作為個案研究。分析結果顯示,創作主題偏向社會議題計有21件,插畫(含電腦繪圖)表現技法計有21件,較受設計師及國際評委所青睞。得獎海報中的圖形表達直觀、簡潔、畫面色彩簡單、版面編排多以垂直式呈現。創作研究部分,以影響妥瑞兒較為明顯的5項干擾性行為及情緒作為創作主題,創作完成後,作品經由問卷調查回饋顯示,大部份觀者都能理解海報所要傳達的主題,並認同吸睛的海報設計,能使妥瑞症議題達到一定宣傳效果。可見「超現實風格」海報設計適合運用在妥瑞症議題,並可提供日後設計工作者創作相關議題海報之參考。
In view of frequent bullying incidents of children with Tourette syndrome in the past three years, this study uses surreal metaphors, hyperbole, and unrealistic expressions as a poster creation style to highlight unusual behaviors and emotions induced by Tourette syndrome in order to care for the issue of Tourette syndrome. In the first part of the study, literature was compiled to summarize the types of disruptive behaviors and explicit emotional expressions of Tourette syndrome. A five-point Likert scale questionnaire targeting children with Tourette syndrome between the ages of 10 and 15 was administered. It was found that Tourette children were prone to anger and emotion control problems, but the literature did not show any significant findings on the questionnaire data, such as abusive language disorder, aggressive behaviors, and self-harming behaviors. The second part analyzed the application and expression of surrealism in art and poster design from the literature, which showed that (1) size substitution, (2) fusion of heterogenous objects, and (3) deconstruction and reorganization were more frequently used, and that the picture would become more expressive, powerful, eye-catching and memorable. The third part sampled 35 award-winning and nominated posters employing surreal expression from five of the world's most distinguished international poster competitions in the last 6 years (2021-2016), and used them as case studies. The analysis results show that 21 posters were created with themes focusing on social issues, while 21 posters were created with an emphasis on illustration (including computer graphics) techniques, which were favored by designers and international judges. The graphic expressions of the winning posters are straightforward and succinct, with a clean-looking color palette and a portrait layout. In the creative research part, the five disruptive behaviors and emotions affecting children with Tourette syndrome were used as the main theme. After the creation, questionnaire feedback showed that most viewers could understand the theme of the posters and agreed that eye-catching poster designs could achieve a certain publicity effect. This shows that the"surrealism" poster design style is suitable for use in Tourette syndrome issues, and can provide reference for future designers to create posters about related issues.
In view of frequent bullying incidents of children with Tourette syndrome in the past three years, this study uses surreal metaphors, hyperbole, and unrealistic expressions as a poster creation style to highlight unusual behaviors and emotions induced by Tourette syndrome in order to care for the issue of Tourette syndrome. In the first part of the study, literature was compiled to summarize the types of disruptive behaviors and explicit emotional expressions of Tourette syndrome. A five-point Likert scale questionnaire targeting children with Tourette syndrome between the ages of 10 and 15 was administered. It was found that Tourette children were prone to anger and emotion control problems, but the literature did not show any significant findings on the questionnaire data, such as abusive language disorder, aggressive behaviors, and self-harming behaviors. The second part analyzed the application and expression of surrealism in art and poster design from the literature, which showed that (1) size substitution, (2) fusion of heterogenous objects, and (3) deconstruction and reorganization were more frequently used, and that the picture would become more expressive, powerful, eye-catching and memorable. The third part sampled 35 award-winning and nominated posters employing surreal expression from five of the world's most distinguished international poster competitions in the last 6 years (2021-2016), and used them as case studies. The analysis results show that 21 posters were created with themes focusing on social issues, while 21 posters were created with an emphasis on illustration (including computer graphics) techniques, which were favored by designers and international judges. The graphic expressions of the winning posters are straightforward and succinct, with a clean-looking color palette and a portrait layout. In the creative research part, the five disruptive behaviors and emotions affecting children with Tourette syndrome were used as the main theme. After the creation, questionnaire feedback showed that most viewers could understand the theme of the posters and agreed that eye-catching poster designs could achieve a certain publicity effect. This shows that the"surrealism" poster design style is suitable for use in Tourette syndrome issues, and can provide reference for future designers to create posters about related issues.
妥瑞症, 海報設計, 超現實主義, Tourette syndrome, poster design, surrealism