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  趨勢大師奈思比(John Nasbitt)強調高科技需要結合高感性才可能有出路,同時聯合國教科文組織大力宣傳將藝術美感導入教育體系,放眼世界,正大步走向美,台灣也不能例外,因而有心人士成立一非營利組織─「中華花藝文教基金會」以為推廣,從生活實用及文化角度來宣揚「美」的理念。「非營利組織」的現象,近年來在國內、外均受到相當的重視,本文之主要目的乃是探討非營利組織-「中華花藝文教基金」會對台灣之美與和諧的推動與功能。   本文架構共分六章,首先描述研究動機與目的,探討非營利花藝團體議題,並舉「中華花藝文教基金會」為例,瞭解中華插花藝術在台灣發展的軌跡與方法,以及中華花藝學習的方法及成效。其次,本文說明研究方法,以及研究上所遇的困難與限制。在文獻探討的部分則以花藝學相關著作、及非營組織理論、經濟發展基礎來討論中華插花藝術的歷史淵源與其社會角色功能。以文獻探討之資料為基礎,本文更深入探討中華花藝文教基金會在台灣生根、茁壯的過程、對社會文化、教育所做出的貢獻,以及在兩岸文化交流及國際交流上的做法,進而針對中華優美花藝文化之國際化、本土化的發展提出問題,並設擬推動策略,及未來努力之重點,以達成永續經營的使命。最後,本文在結論中並提出研究觀察心得,包括面對知識經濟時代的來臨,以及現代化科技的衝擊,具有非營利組織性質的「中華花藝文教基金會」如何因應,激勵理論實施是否可行,國際發展與人才培養等項目,均一併加以闡述。
  The author of Megatrends, John Nasbitt, emphasized that high technology must integrate with human’s mind and emotion, so it can develop continually. Similarly, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has also strongly advocated aesthetics in educational systems. These pheromone illustrate the importance of aesthetics in today’s world. Conforming such a trend, a non-profit organization, the Chinese Floral Foundation, was founded to further cultural, art, and aesthetic education in Taiwan. As the importance of non-profit organizations (NPOs) has received increasing attention in Taiwan and other countries as well, this purpose of this thesis is to understand the strategies and process used by the NPO, the Chinese Floral Foundation, for promoting aesthetics in Taiwanese society.   The structure of this thesis includes six chapters. First, this thesis describes research background, purpose, issues faced by floral organizations, and the development of Chinese floral art in Taiwan. Second, this thesis explains research methods, difficulties, and limitations. In addition, it reviews literature with regard to floral art, non-profit organizations, and economic development, and it discusses their influence on Chinese floral history and social function. Based on literature review, this thesis further elaborates several important aspects of the Chinese Floral Foundation, including development process, contributions to social education, and international cultural exchanges. In addition, it raises questions associated with the internationalization and localization of Chinese floral art, furtherance strategies, and development directions. Finally, this thesis suggests several issues critical for to non-profit organizations, including how to accommodate the coming of knowledge economy and modernization, whether motivation theories applicable, and how to enhance international exchange sand human resource development. All these issues and related discussion are included in the conclusion.



中華花藝, 非營利組織, 文化藝術, 花藝流派, 知識經濟, Chinese floral art, non-profit organizations, culture and art, floral styles, lifelong learning, motivation, knowledge economy





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