
dc.contributorLee, Su-hsinen_US
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Wen-Huaen_US
dc.description.abstract島嶼研究目前走向了群島思考與關係轉向的典範,而島嶼性之研究與調查,目前在臺灣仍屬少數。當今烈嶼和金門島間正在進行金門大橋興建,同時面臨著金門與廈門兩島的快速發展刺激,以及與臺灣的大量財政補助等因素,影響著烈嶼的島嶼性之發展與建構。 本研究目的在於建構島嶼性的研究路徑,並調查與瞭解烈嶼的島嶼性為何,同時也釐清烈嶼的發展脈絡,進行烈嶼的地方治理與關係分析,最後整理出影響烈嶼的重大議題,以及瞭解島嶼性與重大議題之間關連為何。本研究為減少研究者是外來島民、外來大陸型居民與兼差島民等偏見,採寓居研究,移居烈嶼居住一年,並且採用居民訪談、參與觀察,以及文獻檔案分析等研究方法,來進行調查研究。 本研究將島嶼性(islandness)定義為島嶼地方感,側重在島民人文特性的探索,並利用島嶼地方依附、島嶼地方認同與島嶼地方依賴等三個構面來理解與實踐。在烈嶼歷史發展與關係論述上,則從晉朝整理至民國。而在烈嶼的島嶼性調查中,可瞭解到三個島嶼性的構面是有著關連性的,呈現出島嶼地方依賴會影響到島嶼地方認同,而島嶼地方認同進而發展到島嶼地方依附,並且發現島嶼物理特徵與重大議題會影響烈嶼的島嶼性。本研究調查出來有烈嶼有七個重大議題:金門大橋建設、醫療與渡輪交通、觀光發展的想法、海漂垃圾的問題、地方政府的建設觀點、軍方釋出土地的有效管理以及國家公園的角色。而目前烈嶼的治理以鄉公所為主導,中央單位(軍方與國家公園)則為次級的協助治理單位,呈現出地方治理問題需要更深入討論。研究利用時間關係、空間關係與事件關係等三個軸,來討論烈嶼的島嶼性建構、島嶼關係與重大議題等的關連性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe paradigm of Island Studies is currently moving towards the thinking with archipelago and relational turn. There are few researches and investigation of Islandness in Taiwan. At present, the Kinmen Bridge is under construction between Lieyu and Kinmen Island, in addition, Lieyu faces the rapid development of Kinmen and Xiamen Island and a lot of financial subsidies from Taiwan.. These factors affect the development and construction of the islandness of Lieyu Island. The purposes of the study are: (1) to establish the approach of islandness, (2) to investigate the islandness of Lieyu Island, (3) to clarify the historical development of Lieyu Island, (4) to conduct the analysis of local governance and relationship of Lieyu Island, (5) to organize main issues of the Lieyu Island, and (6) to understand what is the connection between islandess and main issues of Lieyu Island. In order to reduce the prejudice of researchers who are outsiders of island, mainland residents or part-time islanders, the author has been living in Liyu more than one year. This study used four research methods: dwelling, interview, participant observation and archival analysis. This study defines islandness as a sense of island place, with an emphasis on the exploration of the human characteristic of islanders. It also explored the three variables of island place attachment, island place identity and island place dependence to understand and practice the islandness. On the historical development and relational discourse of Lieyu Island, this study was organized from the Jin Dynasty to the Republic of China. In the islandness survey, the three variables of islandness are related, and presenting that island place dependence will affect island place identity, and then island place identity develop to island place attachment. This study also found that the island's physical characteristics will affect the islandness of Lieyu Island. The results show that there are seven big issues affecting Lieyu: the construction of the Kinmen Bridge, medical and ferry transportation, the tourism development, the problem of sea drifting garbage, the development viewpoint of the local government, the effective management of the land released by the military, and the role of the national park. The governance of Lieyu Island is currently dominated by township offices, and the central governments (military and national park) are assisting governance. Currently, the local governance problems of Lieyu Island need further discussion. This study used three relational axes, time relationship, spatial relationship and event relationship, to discuss the connection between the construction of islandness, the island relationship and big issues.en_US
dc.subjectIsland studiesen_US
dc.subjectRelational turnen_US
dc.subjectThe thinking with archipelagoen_US
dc.title“Islandness” of Lieyu Island – A Perspective of Relational Geographiesen_US

