Google Earth應用於高中地理資訊系統課程之研究

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在全球21世紀資訊時代快速變遷與改進下,資訊科技對教育帶來了重大變革;就地理教育而言,瞭解與地理相關資訊和設備應用是現代公民應必備之素養之一。地理資訊系統(GIS)廣泛應用於現今生活,在地理教育中更凸顯其重要性,然而單機版GIS對於高中教學現場仍存有種種限制與困難度。為此,本研究考量教學現場需求,藉由Google Earth本身可呈現GIS部分功能,及其操作介面平易近人及網路相關資源豐富等優點,依據我國高中地理課程綱要設計GIS單元教學模組,讓學生能透過操作Google Earth了解GIS概念進而達成課程目標。 為探討使用Google Earth學習GIS單元的成效,本研究分析教學模組實施過程,並於課後評量學生的測驗卷及心得問卷。結果發現,讓學生操作Google Earth有助於學生學習GIS單元「向量式空間資料」及「GIS四種空間分析」概念,但在教授「網格式空間資料」與「疊圖分析之布林運算」概念時,採用傳統板書講述教學方式較合適;就整體而言,相較於用傳統講述法教學班級,有操作Google Earth班級表現較佳。 因此,本研究所研發「Google Earth應用於高中地理資訊系統課程」教學模組,可將單機版GIS軟體於高中教學現場無法使用之限制降至最低,並讓學生透過具體操作行為釐清GIS抽象概念,提升教學效率並促進教學目標的達成,且課程活動的設計以日常生活經驗為設計核心,期能進一步提高學生學習專注力與學習樂趣。
In the global information age of the 21st century rapid changes and improvements, the information technology has brought great changes to education. To geography education, interpreting geographic information and applying Geotechnology are essential literacy for modern citizens. Today, Geographic information system (GIS) is not only widely used but also play an important role in geography education. However, there are many obstacles to break through for GIS teaching in high school geography curriculum. For instance, GIS desktop software is not easy to get for high school teachers in Taiwan. Considering the needs in geography teaching, Google Earth’s user-friendly interface, spatial visualization capabilities, and incorporation of outside data make it a useful tool. According to national 99 geography curriculum guideline, we attempt to integrate Google Earth into GIS course design. Through this course, high students can understand the concept of GIS during the operation of Google Earth and achieve the goal of the course objectives. To explore the effect of integrating Google Earth into GIS course, this study analyzes the implementation process of GIS course, student's examination paper and the result of questionnaire survey. The results show that integrating Google Earth into GIS course can help students learning the concepts of "Vector data, Overlay analysis, Buffer analysis, Network analysis and Terrain analysis." However, in "Raster data and Boolean algebra" concepts, traditional chalk and black-board teaching more effectively than Google Earth. Comparing with traditional method of teaching GIS subject, students who have operated Google Earth had better academic achievement. In addition, the results of statistic from student's questionnaire survey shows that students thought Google Earth is helpful for learning GIS courses.



地理資訊系統, GIS, Google Earth, 高中課程, Geographic information system, GIS, Senior high school curriculum, Google Earth

