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中文摘要 本研究旨在探討激烈運動後恢復期實施規律呼吸對攝氧量、心跳率、血壓、心率變異性的影響。12名健康大學體育系男性(平均年齡19.50±0.52歲,身高176.23±6.16公分,體重69.93±8.93公斤)為自願參與本實驗的受試對象。於85%VO2max運動強度從事5分鐘跑步機運動後,依平衡次序分別實施五分鐘自由呼吸及每分15次呼吸的規律呼吸控制,並於此期間收集受試者攝氧量、心跳率、血壓、心電圖等各項生理變項資料,受試者心率變異性的資料以心電圖RR波間隔(R-R interval)經快速傅立葉轉換,做功率頻譜頻域(frequency domain)之分析,以高頻百分比(%HF)作為副交感神經驅策指標,低頻與高頻之比值(LF/HF)作為交感神經驅策指標。實驗各項數據以相依樣本t-test統計考驗各組生理變項之差異。結果發現:一、不同呼吸方式之攝氧量於恢復期第二、三、四分鐘達顯著差異(P<.05),經比較後發現規律呼吸控制的攝氧量顯著高於自由呼吸時之攝氧量。二、在心跳率與血壓方面,恢復期各時間點均無顯著差異(P>.05)。三、恢復期自由呼吸與規律呼吸之心率變異方面,%HF與LF/HF達顯著差異,經比較後發現規律呼吸控制的%HF顯著高於自由呼吸時之%HF,而自由呼吸控制的LF/HF顯著高於規律呼吸時之LF/HF,顯示規律呼吸控制較自由呼吸增加副交感神經驅策,及減低交感神經驅策。 本研究結論為激烈運動後實施規律呼吸有助於攝氧量的提升進而增加能量代謝,同時規律呼吸能夠增加副交感神經驅策,減低交感神經驅策,以利於運動後的恢復。
Abstract The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of deep rhythmic breathing on pose-exercise-induced physiological responses. Twelve male college students (age 19.50±0.52 yrs; height 176.23±6.16 cm; weight 69.93±8.93 kg) participated in this study. Under repeated-measure design, after 85%VO2max treadmill running for 5 minutes, all subjects did 5-minute spontaneous breathing and rhythmic breathing (0.25Hz) respectively under counter-balanced order during recovery. Oxygen uptake (VO2), heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP) and electrocardiogram (ECG) were measured. Through pair t-test analysis, the results indicated that: (1) VO2 in rhythmic breathing was significantly higher than spontaneously breathing in 2nd, 3rd, 4th minute; (2) No significant difference was found in HR and BP; (3) In heart rate variability (HRV), high frequency (HF) in rhythmic breathing was significantly higher than in spontaneous breathing and low/high frequency ratio (LF/HF) was lower in spontaneous breathing than rhythmic breathing. This result indicates that under rhythmic breathing control, parasympathetic nervous activity was increased and sympathetic nervous activity was decreased. In conclusion, rhythmic breathing could not only increase VO2 to rise metabolism during recovery, but also increase parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) activity and decrease sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity. This would be advantageous for exercise recovery strategy.



規律深呼吸, 激烈運動, 心率變異性, 攝氧量, 血壓, 心跳率, deep rhythmic breathing, intense exercise, heart rate variability, oxygen uptake, blood pressure, heart rate

