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本研究旨在探討國中八年級學生以電腦RPG遊戲式教學模組進行教學後,學生於教學後對環境保育及海洋保育之認知、態度及行為改變情形。本研究採準實驗研究法,對象為新竹縣某國中八年級學生共4個班級117人,採隨機分配為實驗組兩班及對照組兩班,實驗組部分,研究者以Fish Banks遊戲理念為改編基礎,設計編寫電腦RPG遊戲海洋爭霸戰進行教學,而對照組則為傳統講授式教學,研究工具為自編環境教育與海洋教育問卷及各面向分量表,分量表設計構念依據教育部環境議題分為(一)探討學生環境覺知與敏感度面向改變之情形、(二)探討學生環境概念知識內涵改變情形、(三)探討學生環境價值觀與態度改變之情形、(四)探討學生環境行動技能改變情形、(五)探討學生環境行動經驗之改變、(六)探討學生學習環境課程興趣之改變。
This study aimed to investigate the effect of computerized RPG game-based teaching model, which focus on environmental issues and marine issues, on eighth graders. According to the syllabus released by ministry of education, the curriculum of environmental issues is composed of environmental sensitivities, environmental concepts, environmental attitudes, environmental actions, and environmental experiences. The participants were 117 eighth students separated to four classes from a junior school at Hsinchu city. The results showed that the students taught by computerized RPG game-based teaching model made progress on environmental sensitivities, environmental concepts, and environmental experiences, and were also better than the students taught by traditional lecture-style teaching. Second, it find that the students both taught by computerized RPG game-based teaching model and traditional lecture-style teaching made progress on environmental attitudes, environmental actions. And it also find that the scores ,which equal to the post-scores minus pretest-scores on these two capability indexes, the students taught by computerized RPG game-based teaching model, are higher than the others. On these two capability index, we can also find that horizontal transfer happened on the students taught by computerized RPG game-based teaching model. Third, we find that students taught by computerized RPG game-based teaching model have much more interested on environmental conservation curriculum than taught by traditional lecture-style teaching. To conclude, students taught by computerized RPG game-based teaching model had positive effects on environmental sensitivities, environmental concepts, environmental attitudes, environmental actions, environmental experiences, and learning interest.
This study aimed to investigate the effect of computerized RPG game-based teaching model, which focus on environmental issues and marine issues, on eighth graders. According to the syllabus released by ministry of education, the curriculum of environmental issues is composed of environmental sensitivities, environmental concepts, environmental attitudes, environmental actions, and environmental experiences. The participants were 117 eighth students separated to four classes from a junior school at Hsinchu city. The results showed that the students taught by computerized RPG game-based teaching model made progress on environmental sensitivities, environmental concepts, and environmental experiences, and were also better than the students taught by traditional lecture-style teaching. Second, it find that the students both taught by computerized RPG game-based teaching model and traditional lecture-style teaching made progress on environmental attitudes, environmental actions. And it also find that the scores ,which equal to the post-scores minus pretest-scores on these two capability indexes, the students taught by computerized RPG game-based teaching model, are higher than the others. On these two capability index, we can also find that horizontal transfer happened on the students taught by computerized RPG game-based teaching model. Third, we find that students taught by computerized RPG game-based teaching model have much more interested on environmental conservation curriculum than taught by traditional lecture-style teaching. To conclude, students taught by computerized RPG game-based teaching model had positive effects on environmental sensitivities, environmental concepts, environmental attitudes, environmental actions, environmental experiences, and learning interest.
RPG遊戲式教學, 海洋爭霸戰, 環境保育課程, 環境議題, 海洋議題, RPG game-based teaching, Fish Banks, enviromental conservation curriculum, enviromental issues, marine issues