運用 PRECEDE 模式探討教保服務人員防疫行為及其影響因素

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本研究旨在運用 PRECEDE 模式探討教保服務人員防疫行為及其影響因素。運用健康行為科學PRCEDE模式為基礎,參考過去文獻及已發展問卷,以研究者自編之「教保服務人員防疫行為現況及其影響因素調查問卷」做為研究工具。完成預試問卷初稿後,由5位專家進行預試問卷之題項內容效度審查,隨後由60位研究對象進行預試填答,再以項目分析及信度分析刪除不良題項,建立背景因素、傾向因素、增強因素、使能因素,以及防疫行為共64題項之正式問卷。本研究採便利取樣選取臺北市與新北市立案之公(私)立幼兒園教保服務人員為正式研究對象,人數共計190人。本研究所得結果以獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson相關分析,以及階層迴歸方法進行分析。研究結果顯示,背景變項、傾向因素、增強因素,以及使能因素在階層迴歸分析逐層控制下,單獨對防疫行為可達到14%、13%、14%,以及12%之解釋力,並可解釋教保服務人員防疫行為達54.0%之總變異量。在所有影響的變項中,「使能因素」具有最大正向影響力(β=.46),其次依序為年齡51歲(含)以上(β=.23)、增強因素(β=.15),以及傾向因素-態度(β=.14)。本研究結果可供幼兒園及提升教保服務人員防疫行為之參考。
This study aims to apply the PRECEDE model to investigate infection prevention behaviors and their influencing factors among preschool educators service providers. Grounded in the health behavior science PRECEDE model and referencing existing literature, a researcher-developed survey titled"Survey on the Current Status of Infection Prevention Behaviors and Influencing Factors among preschool educators Service Providers" was used as the research tool. After the preliminary draft of the survey was completed, content validity was examined by five experts, followed by a pilot test with 60 participants. Item analysis and reliability analysis were conducted to eliminate problematic items, resulting in the establishment of a formal questionnaire comprising 64 items related to backgroundfactors, predisposing factors, reinforcing factors, enabling factors, and infection prevention behaviors. Convenience sampling was employed to select 190 preschool educators service providers from public and private kindergartens registered in Taipei City and New Taipei City as the study participants. The obtained data were analyzed using independent sample t-tests, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Pearson correlation analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis. The results indicated that, when controlled layer by layer in the hierarchical regression analysis, background variables, predisposing factors, reinforcing factors, and enabling factors individually explained 14%, 13%, 14%, and 12% of the variance in infection prevention behaviors, respectively. Together, these factors accounted for 54.0% of the total variance in preschool educators service providers' infection prevention behaviors. Among all influencing variables, "enabling factors" exhibited the most significant positive impact (β=.46), followed by age 51 and above (β=.23), reinforcing factors (β=.15), and predisposing factors-attitude (β=.14). The findings of this study provide insights for kindergartens and strategies to enhance infection prevention behaviors among preschool educators service providers.



PRECEDE模式, 教保服務人員, 防疫行為, PRECEDE model, preschool educators, infection prevention behaviors





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