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單一設計師對於每個個案的發想和創作,有時容易流於一時的偏執。透過群體智慧發現設計新思維達到創新和創意的目的,以合作設計的優勢來提昇創意的品質,是協同設計的內涵。所以如何以協同設計團隊合作的方式,透過設計師腦力激盪所得出的創意,達到創新的目的,是目前設計從業人員的新嘗試。 本創作研究透過專家與新手各自組成的專家設計團隊與新手設計團隊,互為對照組。專家團隊依其過往的知識與經驗,而新手團隊依其對設計的學識與抱負,再將各團隊協同設計實驗的結論做口語編碼,並以Linkography研究方法的圖像分析,找出新手團隊與專家團隊協同設計的創意值之差異。所得之結論,將為本創作研究之創作依據。本創作研究採用Linkography的圖像分析法,將印象中無法被量化的創意值,以圖像形式與數據分析的科學方法呈現。再加上「Torrance創意性思維測驗法」發散性思維的四項指標的創造力分析法,二者以不同角度對創意值及創造力加以分析,以為本創作研究架構。本創作研究以Linkography將創意值圖像化與量化的創意分析模式,希望能成為未來對創意相關研究的參考並做出貢獻。本創作研究以專家團隊與新手團隊之創意值差異為研究主題,並擷取兩者之不同優點做為創作依據,創作出結合專家與新手在協同設計環境下的創意而成的室內設計作品。
A couple of professional designers working as a team is a new trend that provides group brain storming and eliminates bias opinions and preferences by an individual. Thus a better quality of design is expected by collaborative design than by a single designer. This study compares creativity level of design process from two teams organized by experts and novices. The intension of the study is to testify the difference of creativity level represented by two collaborative design teams. Throughout the literature review, I decide to choose the entropy as indicator of creativity level enclosed in Linkography. With two design topics assigned, each team generated two Linkographys with different number of moves. The interconnection of moves forms a link which is the resource of entropy within layer in Linkography. Furthermore, the results of design works completed by two teams are compared in four creative thinking perspectives which are originated from Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT). Based on the merits provided by two teams, this research makes an interior design creation and the author hopes to contribute her study in collaborative interior design.



協同設計, 鍊結表記, 創意值, , collaborative design, Linkography, creativiry level, entropy

