dc.contributor | 劉有德 | zh_TW | | 林坤曉 | zh_TW | | 2019-09-05T10:04:27Z | | | 2004-7-14 | | | 2019-09-05T10:04:27Z | | | 2004 | |
dc.description.abstract | 本研究的目的主要在探討不同的健康體適能教學方式介入體育課程十週後,對國中學生健康體適能之影響。健康體適能包括健康體適能認知、身體組成、柔軟度、肌肉適能、心肺適能等。以臺北市立芳和國民中學的八十九位七年級學生為實驗對象(男生45人,女生44人,平均年齡12.4歲),依其原班分別為對照組、虛擬組與傳統組。以輔助的角色分別將二種不同的健康體適能教學方式介入體育課十週後,透過健康體適能的前、後測及課程中學生所執行的作業來進行介入成效評估。所有的量化資料,以二因子混合設計變異數進行分析,其結果如下:1.不論是採用傳統或虛擬教室的教學法,對學生健康體適能的認知、肌肉適能與男生心肺適能的表現上皆有顯著進步,且兩種教學方法效果相當;但對學生身體質量指數B.M.I、柔軟度、與女生心肺適能三方面的改變上,二組實驗組與對照組間都未達顯著差異。2.若以學生對於健康體適能課程的執行程度來看,虛擬教室的教學方式於認知作業、柔軟度運動、肌肉訓練、有氧運動四方面都優於傳統體適能的教學方式,但兩種教學都能顯著的增加學生自發性運動時數。運用虛擬教室的教學方式,教師所要求的作業被學生自發性執行的程度比傳統教學法來的高。因此,運用虛擬教室來輔助健康體適能的教學,可讓健康體適能教育與體育教學更能相輔相成 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | The main purpose of this research was to explore the impact of web-based fitness program on junior high school student’s fitness after ten weeks intervention. There are five components which compose of health related fitness: fitness knowledge, body composition, flexibility, muscle strength, and aerobic fitness. Eighty nine seventh-graders of Taipei Municipal Fong-Heo Junior High School participated in this research (45 male, 44 female, average age of 12.4). These students were from 3 different classes and were assigned to three different groups: controlled group, web-instruction group, and traditional group. Per and post tests were conducted before and after the 10 weeks program, and the two-way ANOVA was used for analyses. The results showed that: 1. There were effects difference in student’s healthy fitness knowledge, muscle strength, boy’s aerobic fitness for both traditional and web-based program, but no significant program effect on BMI, flexibility, and girl’s aerobic fitness. 2. In addition, The web-based groups showed a superior performance than traditional groups in fitness knowledge, flexibility, muscle training, and aerobic-activities, and both programs have a significant impact on enhancing student’s exercise time. To conclude, using web-based fitness program to support the implementation of physical education can certainly complement physical education. | en_US |
dc.description.sponsorship | 體育學系 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier | N2004000126 | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language | 中文 | |
dc.subject | 健康體適能 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 國中 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 虛擬教室 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 多媒體網路教學 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 線上學習 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | Physical Fitness | en_US |
dc.subject | On-line Learning | en_US |
dc.subject | Web-based Instruction | en_US |
dc.title | 健康體適能虛擬教室輔助國中體育教學對學生健康體適能認知與表現的影響--以臺北市芳和國中為例-- | zh_TW |
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